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Question: How Do People Feel About Marijuana And Pregnant Women?



I am bring this up cause it has been on my mind. With Marijuana having a lot of good purposes for people with health issues and Marijuana helps. I know the affect with pregnant women useing other drugs. BUT has there been any studies on rather it is good , bad , doesnt affect any thing? I know women can get nauseated while pregnant , and cramps, They probably do not need the munchies all though some should...but seriously what are peoples thoughts on this?


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So from what i understood in the short of it, Is the ones that used Marijuna did better. I can see where it would help them be less stressed, help nauseation, which would in turn make women more comfortable, which again in return less stress on the baby.

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In my opinion i really needed it in the first stages of my pregnancies to help with the nausea and getting comfortable enough to sleep. In the later stages of my pregnancies it made me feel uncomfortable and i didnt like it so i quit for the end. Of course that was only fleeting.. Lol All my babes are fine and smart and no problems due to smoking.

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