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Clones, They Say Go To Meetings. Meetings Are Not The Answer Allways.



Every time there is a note on here about Clones, the first answer is go to meetings. Well that is a great idea if you are in a big city.We live up north and i got to a few different meetings,Houghton Lake,Clare, anda cpl others,and well these are not set up like the ones in the city.You will play hell find clones up here.So going to meetings in not the answer.The answer is we have to drive 2 or 3 hours to go to ANY meetings that might have clones for trade or what have you.So when you guys are quick to add go to a meeting, Think of us people up here that are behind, Why i dont know but that is how it is..We need a way to get clones with out driving the 2 and 3 hours one way..Why can't the store in Mt.pleasant sell clones, they are selling weed, whats the difference?


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