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first off every one should just stop talking about guns lets not make an issue and i agree this should not be an issue if all is legal. lets look at it like this you go to a doctor to get approval for mmj you go to a doctor to get narcotics wich every time a doctor gives you a script for narcotics there is a little number on the script with the letters DEA just before it. now if you own a gun legaly the states knows about it and so do the feds so whats the seperating point. narcotics are in my opion just as mind altering as any thing els out there so when i started seeing the pill pushers why were the feds and the leo not kicking down my door i was getting 120 vicodin every 20 days between two doctors that alone should have threw up a flag im glad it didnt but until things are cleared up between us and leo we need to be carefull. watch out for each other GROW AWAY BE SAFE AND BEE LEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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All im asking for is my property back. I broke no laws. Stayed within the standards of the state. LEO broke the laws when they killed my plants and stole my grow op and Stole my medicine guns witch were only shotguns used for hunting. Never have owned a hand gun. Should think about getting one now. Protect me from LEO.Its in the works to go to Feds court to get our property back. Magnet nothing more than domestic thieves

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