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Pics In Tutorials...

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I'm not sure if I'm just a newbie and dense. I'm trying to post a tutorial with pics. I type in text, and that works great. I click choose file under add pic, and choose a pic. But nothing happens after that. No button to choose add, no icon or anything popping up in the box.


Is there a problem with posting pics everywhere, or am I just not figuring out how to attach the pics?



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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

Hello Rashore,

I posted one tutorial and had no problems. I see another wrote a tut about an scrubber with pics. Make sure once you "upload" the images that you click the "add to post" or something like that.



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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

never had an option to upload any pics, just browse them, and yeah, the tutorial went in without the pics :( Still don't know what I'm doing wrong.


You can't post the text for a tutorial without having the availability to upload images. There's two sections available when you post a tutorial. They are called "content" and "add image".


These fields do no change for any user group on this forum. If you hit the "Add tutorial" button to submit the final text, the "add image" browser was located just above this and slightly left. And besides that you could click the picture.png icon in the editor. Make sure you've got Java enabled for this site, or if you've chosen the "flash uploader" in your profile, make sure you actually have flash installed.


If your tutorial is live, feel free to edit it and add your images now.


I dread topics of this nature. I hate having to tell a member they simply did not pay attention or simply missed it. But there aren't even options available to restrict per user group the ability to add images to a tutorial. If you can post a tut, the image uploader exist 100% of the time.


Hope you find the way to post tutorials with images.



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well, when I made the tutorial I had the add option, it just didn't actually add anything, lol. The image number stayed next to the button, and a little blue cursor spot appeared in the text. but posting it, no pics.


Got some help from my brilliant husband. I was able to create a gallery here, and he showed me to pick up the links from the gallery pics I needed to drop onto the image icon.


I was able to revise the original tutorial to include all the pics now.


Thanks for the advice folks!


PS- Bubblegrower made an excellent thread explaining how to get your pics up under general forum rules! Thank you!!


uploading pics

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