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Which Papers To Carry?

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I just reached my 20 days after sending in my papers to the state and have not recieved a denial. I didn't think I would but I wanted to wait til that "magic 20th Day" before doing any major traveling with my ganga. I plan on taking the family camping soon so my question is this. Other than copies of the papers I sent to the state (application, doc's paper, and caregivers paper), what else should I carry on me? Should I take along a copy of the Michigan Medical Marihauna Act where it states that the State sucks at handing out cards so my application counts as my card just in case the cops try to mess with me? Do I bring a copy of the certified mail reciept to prove when I sent my stuff in? Any info/advice on this matter would be great. I just don't want to get messed with if I want to medicate while I sit around the campfire. Thanks all. This site is a great resource for somebody who is new to this medical marijuana thing like I am.

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Some people would suggest to lay low, don't get caught, don't show any paperwork to cops who you may meet, and have your lawyer blow them out of the water (hopefully) in court, but that is a lot of hassle on your part.

Do it like you thought about doing it before you were legal.B)

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if your over 20 days from the date you sent your stuff to the state you are good to go. All you really need is a copy of doc. slip, application, proof of date sent to the state, ie. reciept from post office showing date of mailing certified mail and driverse licence. I am carrying papers right now and have been for 32 days. Personally I say you cant carry enough paperwork. I cary all that plus copy of cashed check. I carry a copy of the complete mmj laws and an abriged version so you can quickly explain the law to the officer if need be. I have been checked and cought with a quarter by the dnr while canoeing, showed them my paper and I was on my way. I also put a copy of my stuff anywhere I might go, boat,car,house ect. so you are never without it. Just my thoughts

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+1 with what elklake said. The more paperwork the better. Post office return receipt showing when it was delivered is a must. I'm a big believer in having a full copy of the law. It is only a few pages. Highlight the part where it says:


"If the department fails to issue a valid registry identification card in response to a valid application or renewal submitted pursuant to this act within 20 days of its submission, the registry identification card shall be deemed granted, and a copy of the registry identification application or renewal shall be deemed a valid registry identification card."


Hopefully you will not get arrested because the cop has no plausible deniability to claim he was unclear on if your paperwork was legal. After all you have showed him by law it is acceptable.

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Some people would suggest to lay low, don't get caught, don't show any paperwork to cops who you may meet, and have your lawyer blow them out of the water (hopefully) in court, but that is a lot of hassle on your part.

Do it like you thought about doing it before you were legal.B)

You may also consider where you're going. The Petoskey Police Department, after raiding my home Thursday have decided my paperwork could be invalid, and say they will not return them as per the attorney general and local prosecutor. 4 patients and myself! Unbelievable that the police are deciding my rights and healthcare decisions!

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right now in my wallet (89 days +) i have my physician's recommendation, my state application, my xerox of cashed check enhanced front and back, a copy of the law, and the faqs page from MDCH that states papers equal a card.


this does not help my back pain as my wallet is like a stack of bricks under one cheek...but til the MDCH gets their heads out of the sand, I have no other choice.


I'd carry a copy of the Constitution on hemp paper if I weren't worried that ignorant LEOs would try to bust me on it.


good luck

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Thanks for all the good advice. I figured the more stuff I can carry to prove that I truly am legal and that the state is taking its sweet f-ing time getting their crap together, the better. I'm looking very foward this trip and I will be much less paranoid about having my sack of ganga in the car if I know I have all my ducks in a row, so to speak. Good luck to those still waiting...and waiting...and waiting...

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Hello Glad to see you here.


As for your question. I deal with this crap everyday so I have some ep in the matter.


1) It is really going to depend on the PA in the area you get stoped. If the PA has addressed the local LEO's to disregard the law then your paperwork will not stop an arrest and may also give them the idea to search hour home (even if in another county. This has happened in the past).

2) If you are stoped by a MSP= Michigan State Police then you are screwed. They have a policy of NOT abiding by the law and will NOT accept paperwork. Their view is: MDCH cashes ALL checks and MO's as soon as they come in. So a canceled check wont prove chit to them. As MDCH could have sent a letter after the check was cashed.

3) I would also suggest that you act as you did before the law. Here are some ideas:

A) Dont carry your MM paperwork or card where is can be seen if you are stoped.

B) Keep your meds sealed and in the trunk of your auto.

C) Dont have any thing in plain view (pipes, papers, meds)and no strong oders in the auto.

D) Make sure your auto is 100% legal, check all lights and exhaust. Drive like you are taking a driving test..by the book. Dont give them a reason to stop you.

E) Dont git involved in anything that may bring contact with LEO. Many people get busted for M when they were only a by stander in some other matter.

F) Be safe, use your head, and be aware of everything around you.

John Wells

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I know you cant get + Rep but this post deserves it!!!

Best advice there is out there!



Hello Glad to see you here.


As for your question. I deal with this crap everyday so I have some ep in the matter.


1) It is really going to depend on the PA in the area you get stoped. If the PA has addressed the local LEO's to disregard the law then your paperwork will not stop an arrest and may also give them the idea to search hour home (even if in another county. This has happened in the past).

2) If you are stoped by a MSP= Michigan State Police then you are screwed. They have a policy of NOT abiding by the law and will NOT accept paperwork. Their view is: MDCH cashes ALL checks and MO's as soon as they come in. So a canceled check wont prove chit to them. As MDCH could have sent a letter after the check was cashed.

3) I would also suggest that you act as you did before the law. Here are some ideas:

A) Dont carry your MM paperwork or card where is can be seen if you are stoped.

B) Keep your meds sealed and in the trunk of your auto.

C) Dont have any thing in plain view (pipes, papers, meds)and no strong oders in the auto.

D) Make sure your auto is 100% legal, check all lights and exhaust. Drive like you are taking a driving test..by the book. Dont give them a reason to stop you.

E) Dont git involved in anything that may bring contact with LEO. Many people get busted for M when they were only a by stander in some other matter.

F) Be safe, use your head, and be aware of everything around you.

John Wells

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Will will need to carry all your paperwork that u mailed to the state, along with your driver licence, proof of mailing (to the state) as well as a copy of the cashed check front and back (to the state).


I would'nt flaunt the fact that your legal nor would I keep my paperwork were LEO could see it openly.

Congrads on becoming legal! Now its the waiting game for your card. They are currently working on applications that were sent in early Feb.

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All great advice. It sucks having to carry all this personal paperwork around all the time and still risk getting busted (still waiting after 40 days).

The only papers I should have to worry about having to carry with me should be my Zig-Zags.

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I totally understand about not flaunting it. I don't smoke while driving not only because of the law, but because I'm driving with my three little ones in the back. My minivan (not too likely to get stopped...who wants to mess with a friendly looking soccer mom?) is new and in good working order. My meds get put in my locked med case in the trunk with the rest of my "legal" pill form meds. Everybody has great advice...much appreciated.

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Fully in agreement with all of the wonderful advice on here!

Wish it really worked though. I had 25 pieces of identification (the list above,5 each) posted at the entrance to my grow, another set in my box, and a set IN my grow, and it still wasn't enough.

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I have a small black box with a combo lock on it that I transport in. It's big enough to fit what I need personally, and it'll hold enough for my patients. (unless they all need a full 2.5. In that case, it's nowhere near big enough unless I crush).




I picked it up at a local office supply store for about $20 bucks.


In addition to that, I carry a black binder in the car all the time, that has a copy of the law itself and copy of the rules that MDCH uses.


I've never had an issue, but if it comes up, I hope I'll be set.

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