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Cops Kill Pets All The Time

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Guest Wayne

Cops are advised to shoot any and all dogs "perceived" to be a threat. Kinda like when you "know" that hotty checking you out is undressing you with his/her eyes. Perfect opportunity for LEO to engage in real life, live fire exercises in American homes. I'm certain the LEO involved is assessed and commended if done cleanly and safely, ie only the dog(s) are shot. Something you just can't do on the range or in video practice. That's what being LEO is all about!

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Guest Medicinal Patient


I just watched all the vids and as a viewer this is absolutely traumatizing. I am still haunted by the other raid video where 2 pets were shot while a 7yr old son looked on. I think about it daily. I can't even imagine how these families must feel. The police better rethink their strategy because there are those that have nothing left to lose. Its time to fight back. They are shooting our kids and pets. These are the real terrorists. I am real fkn mad now. Karma is not enough justice for what these thugs deserve. I knew watching more of these would affect me but I feel staying naive to what these rat bastardz are capable of could be more harmful in the long run if not prepared of these outrageous possibilities. Their actions especially in front of these small children are potentially ruining the next generation. These kids are without a doubt damaged by the people who they were taught are there to protect and serve their communities, not kill their family pets and loved ones. These enforcement officers are not above the law and need to be held accountable. :growl:




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I think they use this tactic to spur confrontation from cannabis users, so they can justify using militarized tactics. They want someone to shoot them, so they can justify using that much force.


Interesting theory but what is probably happening is that cops are BULLIES. Many become cops so they can throw their weight around (it hides the small penis).


So murdering an animal, beating the hell out of a minority, writing a stupid ticket to a law abiding citizen is all the same thing- it makes them feel powerful (and in their mind this makes up for the little pathetic wee willie wonka dangler that pisses them off so much).


Ya, ya, not all cops are bad- but a disproportionate number ARE bad. Sorry to shock anybody.

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I wish they would consider the circumstances..

My nephew, whom witnessed the threat to shoot our two dogs in front of 4 kids, (3,8,9,12) is now so absolutely TERRIFIED that they will be back, that we had to actually call the leo to talk to him and explain that he WILL NOT BE BACK to shoot the dogs and scare the kids again!

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Guest Medicinal Patient

Sorry your nephew had to endure this type of abuse from the same people kids are taught is supposed to protect them and make them feel safe.

These stories are really getting to me and its unhealthy. I hope your lil guy isn't too affected by what he went thru. :(

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