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Well typical unfair and biased reporting by Faux News. The red herring that there were two robberies resulting in murders in CO was lame. Just because two dispensaries were victims of crime does not "link dispensaries with crime" any more than a 7-11 selling Dr Pepper links Dr Pepper with crime. This is a clear case of blaming the victim that should have been point out by any good reporter.


At the end the "reporter" talks about the dispensaries closing in CA without mentioning that the state was also going to be voting on legalization. Or bothered to mention that after 15 years of medical marijuana a majority of people in CA would completely legalize if the vote was today. The "reporters" did not bother to push her on the fact that her paycheck is dependent on drugs being kept illegal. They also glossed over her assertion that there is no medical use. Good reporters would have countered that with facts from studies that show otherwise.


One sided BS propaganda.

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Both stories are light on facts, full of vague language about the dangers to children. The first even blatantly lies (no scientific studies, most dispensary meds from Mexico,meds are full of pesticides and fungus) and distorts the truth(the people killed in Cal in the dispensaries were not victims but made to sound if the fact they were even in such a place was the cause).


Just cheap yellow journalism helping self-serving politicos get a name for themselves.

From FOX...the makers of America last mass manufactured product...propaganda.

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the second one is just more fear mongering with no facts to backup the statements. A good reporter would mention how the history of alcohol shows that legalization does take the profits out of the hands of criminals and puts it squarely in the hand of legitimate business and the government. Further it drives prices down because supply is increased through legal means.


Money collected by gov for sin taxes usually goes towards social programs and not police departments. Pretty clear why they would be against that.


Also the fed gov has never addressed that I know of what they would do about a state that legalized. Funny how Faux News is against the fed gov intruding in state rights except on this issue.

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California is going to take care of this kind of denial come the November elections when they 'legalize' it.


LEGALIZE IT and the B.S. stops right then and there.


The District and/or Prosecuting attorneys and all the 'political' BS that they support will come to an end.


'LEGALIZE IT!!!!!!!'

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The people are not that stupid that they believe BS news. They just need something to try and get ratings with..why not throw some goood OLE REEFER MADNESS at Fire to try and rally up some debate. It's just so old hearing BS in the news. Exaactly why I do not watch local Detroit news its just the CRIME BEAT.


Please I seek out the Truth in pretty much everything I do..

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faux Pas News will do stories about the supposed dangers and the evils of marijuana and then turn around and tell investors to buy all the medical marijuana stocks that are traded publicly.


I have never considered them to be a true news source and from I hear not many people do. If you're not white, rich and straight, you're not the audience they cater to.

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you know what though John Stossel who is on fox news has done a great job in covering the failed war on drugs and so has Judge Napalitino(sp)

so not all of the reporting is biased,I thank them for that.I love the judge as a matter of fact.


i appreciate your point, wolf, but I don't think that stossel is the one guiding light at an otherwise black cloud over america. he's just another cog in the propoganda machine designed to get leftists to watch and buy their advertiser's products if they don't "switch sides"

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you know what though John Stossel who is on fox news has done a great job in covering the failed war on drugs and so has Judge Napalitino(sp)

so not all of the reporting is biased,I thank them for that.I love the judge as a matter of fact.



Stossel is a libertarian who is fiscally conservative. He is still far right but sees the hypocrisy of the majority conservative position that says small government with no regulation when it comes to dealing with business but we need a big powerful police force and many regulations imposed on the citizens private life. It is an inane philosophy that assumes corporations will always act ethically in the best interest of their customers but individuals will always act unethically in their own self interest.

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Stossel is a libertarian who is fiscally conservative. He is still far right but sees the hypocrisy of the majority conservative position that says small government with no regulation when it comes to dealing with business but we need a big powerful police force and many regulations imposed on the citizens private life. It is an inane philosophy that assumes corporations will always act ethically in the best interest of their customers but individuals will always act unethically in their own self interest.

He is far from being far right,the far right doesnt believe you or I should have a choice in having an abortion,John being a libertarian believes we are all grown ups and have the choice in EVERYTHING we do,he belives prostitution should be legal,pretty sure the far right doesnt believe in that,he believes ALL drugs should be legal another no,no from the far right. Being a libertarain myself I think the same way,but am also fiscally conservative,liiving with in our means is not a bad thing.He believes in smaller govt,another thing I can totally grab unto.The far left lib's make me crazy,lots of lip service IMO coming from that camp as well.

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