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Elected Officials Need To Respond

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Has, or could, (I have asked in a previous post) the MMMA request from each candidate in Michigan for every elected office where they stand on MMJ so the MMMA can let their many thousands of members (Translate voters!!) know how to vote. This is a nice voting block for some elected officials to have to notice. What do you guys think here??:mellow:

I would appreciate a response from the administrators about this, since they would have to generate the inquiries.

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OK I'm a local politician.....there are more than just me that are MM patients. Now here's the catch, with all the bust going on if we come out of the closet we will be the next to be set up, plastered all over the news and be kicked out of office! There are those who sit back and look for any reason to have you recalled, guilty of derelict of duty and malfeasance of office. It is to easy to go to LEO if you are the one LEO is supporting and say ...."hey I want so and so out of office and I heard they are on MM"........yeppers you bet LEO will do that for their guy! Now the guys that aren't on MM no problem but just getting them to admit they support us is another story. You might find one or two but they also risk not being elected. It would have to be an area with the greatest concentration of MM patients and caregivers who just happen to be voters, now that would work. We work with political consultants from the time we are elected until we no longer are in office and these consultants control our every move.



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So, among other things, you are saying a politician might want to conceal or falsify their intentions just to get elected? I am shocked!!

But, you are correct also. Oh well, I was hoping we could get something going...:blink:

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