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Need Advise On Best Perpetual Grow Set Up

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Hello and thanks in advance to anybody that puts there 2 cents in. Ok my room is 11' wide and 10' feet deep. It is an upstairs bedroom. 3 feet up the side walls the ceiling starts and pitches with the roof. So I have alot of floor room but I lose room as you go up. I have 2 1000w hps lights. I am a caregiver and patient and I can have 48 plants all together. I am trying to get a good perpetual grow going. My first thoughts were to put 6 to 8 plants into budding every month on the same date so I could end up with a monthly harvest. I started with 8 plants on the 22nd of june and planned on putting 6 more up on the 22nd of july. Well the 22nd came and went and I finally got 5 more plants up on the 4th of august. I veg in 2 gallon buckets and 2 weeks before they go to flower I transplant to 5 gallon buckets. I use FF/OF dirt with fox farm nutes. What I need to know is what is the best perpetual set up for my space and quanity? Like how many and when to clone and how many kept in veg and how many to put in the budding room. Just basicly what will work best for my set up. I want to keep a steady supply for my patients.




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depending on how big your plants are going to be you may to do a shorter rotation than once a month-


6 plants at once for me would be two and a half pounds. i do two week rotations. the best way to figure it all out is with a pen, paper, and a diagram.

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The other unknown here is how long of a flower period does your strain(s) take. Knowing how long they will take to flower fully will allow you to adjust the frequency of your clones, vegging, and harvesting without having to worry about plant count. The reason I say this, is because if you are growing a 10 week strain, and starting new every month, eventually you are going to wind up with more "plants" than you are "allowed", and will have to start putting off cloning some until harvesting others, which then throws off your monthly plan.


Know what I mean?

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here's some old posts of mine to get ideas from :)


was just hacking out the basics of a 72 plant perpetual grow. assuming of course a nice and easy 12 week complete cycle.







sine we are not easily afforded room for mother plants, i would take clones from the week 4 plants just before they go into the flower room.






so you wanna turn an extra bedroom into a grow room. 12 plant limit..... perpetual....... harvesting 1-2 ounces about every 9 days i figure. with our limitations, a mother or 2 is possible, but i would pick good strains, cause you gonna be smoking a lot of it :) depends on your preference. too bad we can't have more mothers :)


ok....... you gonna have to build a cab or something for the mom and clones. nothing extravagant.... just something with a few cfl's in it to get clones rooted and to keep mom kinda small. if you dont want to build a cab, i guess you could just use the 600w MH for moms, clones, and veg....... just make sure moms and clones are pretty far away from the light. whatever you want, but i would use the tent for flowering and the rest of the open space for veg/clones/mothers


so we have 2 moms.... 2 plants down, 10 to go. im seeing 6 in flower at all times.


lets cut it into 9 day segments. if 12 weeks is 84 days, lets make ten 9-day segments......... equals 90 days. good cycle time.



2 mothers (numbered #1 and #2 in diagram below) and then:


1-8 new clone cutting being rooted #3

9-17 one plant in veg #4

18-27 one plant in veg #5

28-36 one plant in veg #6

37-45 one plant freshly moved to the flower room #7

46-54 one plant in the 2 week stretch #8

55-63 one plant just over 2 week stretch and blooming #9

64-72 one plant packing on weight #10

73-81 one plant finishing weight packing #11

82-90 one plant in flush #12



i think thats 12 :) every 9 days you would be harvesting one plant, and cutting a new clone off the mothers. switching mothers every other 9 days. yup, so every 9th day a plant moves up in the order until finish. this is once again, assuming about a 12.5 week cycle.



so under your 600w MH you would have the 2 mothers, one freshly rooted clone, and 3 plants at various stages of veg state. thats 6 plants.

and then in the flower tent, there are another 6 plants 9 days apart. plant one is just entering the tent, and plant 6 is on its way to the chopping block.



the veg/clone area could either be a grow tent or a wood/panda film room.


72 plant perpetual grow harvesting 6 plants every 9 days. by your 2oz/plant average, thats 12 ounces every 9 days for 6 people.


12 mother plants. 12 strains if you wish :) or you can leave your total plant count a few short of 72 and just use 8 mother plants, or 6 or whatever.


either way, that leaves us with 60 plants. plant 6 today and wait 9 days and plant 6 more. wait another 9 days and plant 6 more. and so on. by the time you reach your 10th set of 6 plants, you will have 60 plants going (plus the mother plants), and you will be harvesting the first set of 6 plants and replacing those harvested 6 with 6 more clones at the beginning of the cycle.





12 (or less) mothers............. and then:



days 1-8 of growth you will have 6 new clone cuttings being rooted

9-17 six plants plant in veg

18-27 six plants in veg

28-36 six plant in veg

37-45 six plants freshly moved to the flower room

46-54 six plants in the 2 week stretch

55-63 six plants just over 2 week stretch and blooming

64-72 six plants packing on weight

73-81 six plants finishing weight packing

82-90 six plants in flush


so we have 10 "sessions". each session has 6 plants and each lasts 9 days. total grow time 90 days. obviously this may have to be tweeked to meet the needs of your strains, but IMO thats the only way that you can stay legal with harvesting.



have a 10-11 week strain and need to extend that 90 day grow period out to 120 days?


use the same method, only instead of ten 9day sessions, make ten 12day sessions. in the end you would be harvesting 12 ounces for 6 patients every 12 days.

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here's another simple one you can either snag idea from, or just multiply everything by 4 :)


2 mothers (numbered #1 and #2 in diagram below) and then:


days 1-8 new clone cutting being rooted #3

9-17 one plant in veg #4

18-27 one plant in veg #5

28-36 one plant in veg #6

37-45 one plant freshly moved to the flower room #7

46-54 one plant in the 2 week stretch #8

55-63 one plant just over 2 week stretch and blooming #9

64-72 one plant packing on weight #10

73-81 one plant finishing weight packing #11

82-90 one plant in flush #12







ok, i threw this one together real quick. the blue box is a 4 x 4 tent with your cfl's and t5's in it. that's "light tight" so it can run 18-24 hours/day no problem. wont affect the plants in flower. then your doorway to the bedroom is the red lines. that, and any windows in the room need to be light tight as well. $20 in panda film and you are good to go. so now the bedroom itself is light proof. hang a 1000w HPS in the open area of the bedroom for your 6 in flower. the open part gives them PLENTY of room to grow.

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