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Crohns's Disease And Mmj

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I have an intestinal condition, I have lost 31" of my large and small intestine - mutilple issues to which I can relate to yuor patient - it helps ease the spasms and pain trmendously for me - personally, enables me to even eat when it can be painful to do so.

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I, too, use MMJ for Crohn's and it helps a lot. I haven't experienced much of the bleeding you are referring to recently, but it does relieve a lot of the spasms and nausea associated with this condition. I also have gastropareseis, which is a condition that causes any food eaten to remain in the stomach for 12-24 hours rather that moving on after 2-4 hours like a normal persons' would. MMJ greatly reduces the nausea and reflux associated with this and the hiatal hernia this condition has caused. I went from weighing a healthy 140lbs. to 105lbs in 6 months and my gastro doc was not happy at all. He was the one to actually suggest giving MMJ a try since my appetite would not pick up no matter what we tried. It was that or another invasive surgery. I opted for the pot and I'm back up to my healthy weight and am able to enjoy meals without fear of the pain they are going to cause me hours later. This is amazing to me as I am French and miss the food...I LOVE to eat rich foods but couldn't for a long time. MMJ has given me my appetite for all that "good" stuff back (its not really so good for me, but it's sure yummy).

On an unrelated note, I don't know if your patient also experiences arthritis as a result of his/her Crohn's (it's pretty common), but I get it pretty bad in my knees because of old soccer injuries from high school. This may sound really ludicris, but I don't like to take pills (other than my reflux pills...those are a must)so I use bee sting therapy to help ease the arthritis pain. I am a beekeeper ( and a housewife, not a cop like a lot of people think) and I find that when the pain gets really bad, honeybee venom works wonders on the knee pain. Weird, right? I've also infused honey with MMJ and put it in honeysticks...works well and is yummy as well. My caregiver handed out samples to his other patients last month after honey harvest and they were a hit. If you patient suffers from arthritis as a result of the Crohn's, they might give the bees a try...it's totally natural, and after the first few stings, it doesn't hurt really.

I hope your patient finds some relief and the bleeding stops. As alarming as it is, it is par for the course for Crohn's patients. Make sure he/she keeps consulting with their gastro. and following their advice. As much as MMJ helps, its no sub for professional medical care. Good luck.

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Careful with the sting therapy - some (like me) have to carry around an epinephrene pen when the situation demands it - just in case - for me, the bees tings wre cumulative and now I am highly allergic. Glad to hear you can enjoy food again - ny diet keeps getting more narrow by the day it seems.

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Guest Marywanna

I also developed RA after my colectomy surgery for UC and Diverticular Disease. Immune system problems,these diseases are all related to each other. Now on MTX for the RA,so I have no immune system at all now. I am just the opposite of you and have gastric dumping,my food empties much too fast into my stomach,causing lots of puking and Barretts Esophagus. The MMJ helps a lot,but I still take Zofran every 6 hours. Seems like everything makes me puke. Thats why we need a puke icon. ;) MW

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I consider these autoimmune GI conditions to promote four main symptoms.


1. upper digestive distress. Similar to acid reflux.

2. An overall tension across the belly.

3. A feeling of "gurgling" in the belly.

4. Diarrhea


In the video above, the patient consumed (ate) a few drops of my oil. This would control the entire set of his Crohn's within about 20 min.


If a patient is having a attack at the moment, I have them eat about a quarter of a teaspoon (just a few drops) of the oil. That quickly relives symptom #1, the "acid reflux."


Next I have them apply a thick coating of the oil across the entire belly.


The first effect is like a mussel relaxant. Symptom #2 is noticeably lowered or eliminated in seconds. Typically this is noticed within fifteen seconds or so.


As the topical oil penetrates, the anti spasmodic effect of the various cannabinoids kicks in and symptom #3 stops. Usually within ninety seconds or so. This is an important symptom. If you can cause the GI spasms to stop you have just about eliminated the condition. Without these spasms, there is no internal sores. No internal bleeding as there is no ongoing irritation.


As for #4 .. people have tried it and told it worked. Instantly.


Hi doc .. I think we really need to talk.

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I have the same stomach issues as you and my stomach Dr is the one who wanted me to try the mj. I am dowm 40 lbs and cant seem to gain a pound. I am also diebetic so this does not help. I can now eat things like salad and veggies again. If anyone needs a good stomach Dr I have the best there is.


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Careful with the sting therapy - some (like me) have to carry around an epinephrene pen when the situation demands it - just in case - for me, the bees tings wre cumulative and now I am highly allergic. Glad to hear you can enjoy food again - ny diet keeps getting more narrow by the day it seems.

I have heard of people developing an anaphylactic reaction after repeated exposure to bee venom. A member of the beekeepers' association I belonged to in Cali had such a reaction and had to give up his entire apiary - he was crushed. I have been fortunate enough to get a lot of relief from my ladies (cuz the drones can't sting). As far as my Crohn's goes, I don't get many flare-ups in regard to my lower GI tract...it's mostly reflux problems (I have Barrett's because of it) and nausea. The gastroparesis can be fixed which would help with both but it would involve installing an internal pacemaker of sorts that would make my stomach empty in a timely manner, and with all the surgery my guts have endured already (I have had lots of lower intestine removed which is why my lower GI tract symptoms are fairly mild), I'd rather just use MMJ to control the nausea and acid reflux. One thing I can't get rid of is the hoarse throat...I don't smoke cigarettes yet I sound as though I've been a pack-a-day smoker for years. Any suggestions? MMJ lozenges maybe? Also, PB's topical application sound extremely promising but I don't think I could handle it. I'm very squeamish about oils, lotions, creams, ect. on my skin. If its really greasy, it creeps me out. Does the oil rub in completely, or will it leave a residue? Also, and this is probably a silly question, but could I use the topical application for my 4-year-old's colicky stomach? She gets stomach aches quite often and I can't give her pepto (risk of Reye's syndrome) and tums constipate her.

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Guest Marywanna

The hoarse throat.........no,that won't go away no matter what. Do you wheeze at night but don't have asthma? How about your dental condition? Has the years of puking torn up on your teeth? The LAST thing I want is more gut cutting. I am DONE with that! MW

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The hoarse throat.........no,that won't go away no matter what. Do you wheeze at night but don't have asthma? How about your dental condition? Has the years of puking torn up on your teeth? The LAST thing I want is more gut cutting. I am DONE with that! MW

I do get wheezing sometimes but my teeth are okay...probably because I very rarely actually puke. Its mostly the acid in my throat. I don't know if it's made a diff, but I have had sealants on most of my teeth so maybe that stops erosion? I agree with you 100% on the gut cutting. No more.

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Hi Stuckinlodi,

they took 31" of my large and samll intestine in March of 2008 - I had the opportunity to try the oil PB is talking about at the Saginaw rally (thanks PB) - it is like any other topical oil but rubs in - I did not ingest it - but have heard of others who have tried it and it has done wonders for them.

PB woulld be the guy to seek info from on the oil.

Yeah, hoarseness can come and go for me - I just figure I talk like Clint Eastwood at times.

It is good to hear you finding relief - along with others here.

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Crohn's disease, need help. Will Medical Marijuana help?

See above :) A lot of peope find relief from medicam marijuana. I think results vary and the degree of relief varies as well. Check out PB's post...he has a lot of experience with various applications...I personally mainly just smoke it and get relief. I've eaten it in candies/honey/baked goods and it helps some but PB has made oils you can eat and rub into your stomach for relief. He's the guy to talk to.

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