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Change Form Help

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Hey I am sending in a change form to register a new address and remove a caregiver. For section B obviously I check remove caregiver. But do I fill out anything else, like do I put my information in or leave it all blank? And also is the change form same as sending in for the card like after 21 days will I have my right to grow again?

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You should always fill out the entire form - never leave anything blank if you have an answer for it - that will keep the rejection rate down to a minimum - and yes - as I read it, 20 days after your check being cashed (that way you know they are processing your paperwork that way) you are authorized. If you send your application registered/return receipt mail, you can go by the 20 days after they receive it, as I read the law.

You need valiod proof they have received or are processing your paperwork. These two items give evidence of that. IMHO.

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You're not stupid, I would say the opposite for wanting to ensure your application isn't denied for an otherwise avoidable mistake.

Your info goes in sec. B, as they are now updating your info with the new CG info supplied via the change form.

Right on! Check the "Change to Patient" box! You cannot begin growing soon enough.

Does that help? If you're still unsure please say so, I don't always explain things very well, but I'm looking at a change form right here.



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Don't forget E lol. I received a call from MDCH the day my renewal was up for approval. I forgot to include my CGs attestation form. Instead of denying my app, they called and asked for my permission to amend my application so they could approve it. Of course I said YES!


Now go make copies drop that thing in the mail and drop some seeds in the dirt. Enjoy!

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