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Is There A Mm Doctor In Lansing Mich.?

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All my doctors are apparently rednecks. They don't want to have anything to do with recommending a MM card.

I'm a 54 yr. old man. I have Hep-C. I'm in constant pain from my disease. Yet my infectious disease doctor won't 'recommend' the weed, he will only confirm that I have chronic Hep-C and it qualifies me but he won't say he thinks the weed will help.@!!


I'm on disability for Hep-C and Bi-polar and chronic pain....and this Clown/Doctor won't help me get my MM card.


I wish someone would read this and tell me a doctor I can see near by in Lansing that would recommend the weed. I 'deserve' and have a darn 'legal' right to this card and all I hear about is "Well, I finally got my card, it only took 4 months after they found a Marj. friendly doctor and shelled out the 200 bucks.


Since I'm on S.S.D.I. the card is only 25 bucks to process for me.


But it sounds like the Health dept. is swamped with applications and its harder than hell to get my Card!!


Plus I have to buy and smoke Mexican Swag because I don't know anyone that sells chronic.

Glad to find this site though and maybe I can search and find someone in Lansing to guide me to the right doctor and 'get this done and get my MM card'. :thumbsu::thumbsu:

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All my doctors are apparently rednecks. They don't want to have anything to do with recommending a MM card.

I'm a 54 yr. old man. I have Hep-C. I'm in constant pain from my disease. Yet my infectious disease doctor won't 'recommend' the weed, he will only confirm that I have chronic Hep-C and it qualifies me but he won't say he thinks the weed will help.@!!


I'm on disability for Hep-C and Bi-polar and chronic pain....and this Clown/Doctor won't help me get my MM card.


I wish someone would read this and tell me a doctor I can see near by in Lansing that would recommend the weed. I 'deserve' and have a darn 'legal' right to this card and all I hear about is "Well, I finally got my card, it only took 4 months after they found a Marj. friendly doctor and shelled out the 200 bucks.


Since I'm on S.S.D.I. the card is only 25 bucks to process for me.


But it sounds like the Health dept. is swamped with applications and its harder than hell to get my Card!!


Plus I have to buy and smoke Mexican Swag because I don't know anyone that sells chronic.

Glad to find this site though and maybe I can search and find someone in Lansing to guide me to the right doctor and 'get this done and get my MM card'. :thumbsu::thumbsu:

I was told today that Dr. Wiggins has her MM shingle out.

I've not seen it myself. I do know ppl who have gone to her

and she is MM friendly from what I was told.

Both of these ppl are disabled so I know she accepts

the insurance. She's located on Michigan Ave., Lansing

don't know the exact addy + she has another office up

by the Airport on Grand River. Hope this helps.

If so... Please post so others in the area with the same

difficulties can seek her out too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All my doctors are apparently rednecks. They don't want to have anything to do with recommending a MM card.

I'm a 54 yr. old man. I have Hep-C. I'm in constant pain from my disease. Yet my infectious disease doctor won't 'recommend' the weed, he will only confirm that I have chronic Hep-C and it qualifies me but he won't say he thinks the weed will help.@!!


I'm on disability for Hep-C and Bi-polar and chronic pain....and this Clown/Doctor won't help me get my MM card.


I wish someone would read this and tell me a doctor I can see near by in Lansing that would recommend the weed. I 'deserve' and have a darn 'legal' right to this card and all I hear about is "Well, I finally got my card, it only took 4 months after they found a Marj. friendly doctor and shelled out the 200 bucks.


Since I'm on S.S.D.I. the card is only 25 bucks to process for me.


But it sounds like the Health dept. is swamped with applications and its harder than hell to get my Card!!


Plus I have to buy and smoke Mexican Swag because I don't know anyone that sells chronic.

Glad to find this site though and maybe I can search and find someone in Lansing to guide me to the right doctor and 'get this done and get my MM card'. :thumbsu::thumbsu:


Well,here it is,,,over a month, and my doctors office could not tell me whether my doctor signed my Doctor MM form or whatever.


The sec. at my doctors office told me, "No, YOUR doctor does not have to say that Marj. will benifit you, he just has to confirm that you have a qualifying condition!


Like hell, i find out, and now my paperwork for the card, all that stack of papers as thick as a book, is probably lost in the mail.


I even stamped a forwarding envelope in the papers for my Doc to forward to the Mi.Health Dept..


What a nightmare!!!


My question is:"Should I start this whole process over again?

PLEASE!!!! I am on disability for Hep-C. I have chronic Ruemitoid Arthritis. Is there anyone here that knows the city of Lansing that can help me?

I am on absolutely NO medication at this time. I don't drink alchohol,,The only medication that stops my dry heaving and vomiting is Marj...DECENT,,,marj.


I am currently buy street swag. WHAT A WASTE!!! The Marj. I get is really not for medical use and now I have just stopped bothering to get swag, because, it is of no use in treating my symtoms.


I don't have any wheels right now. My wifes lemmon got repoed last month. I have a car but, my wife's been unemployed and can't find work so, we have filed for bankruptcy and have sold everything to give the mortgage company so we can keep our house.


I just think that putting this law in the Doctors hands to decide whether a patient can have it,,,has some REAL problems,,in that,,if a person should happen to have a doctor that is in the pocket of big pharma, he's screwed?

And aren't all doctors in the pocket of big Pharmacueticals?


I don't have the wheels to get to a clinic,,there is no clinic in Lansing (go figure) and I NEED to find out a doctor locally that I can get this done.


I had one guy offer to help,,that P.M.ed me,,but where the heck did he go? He offered to walk me up to his doctors office?!!!


Please don't read this as a rant...I know it sounds like I'm harpin but. I voted YES for this law so I could finally get the medicine that works for me legally,,Marj..Now it seems like everyone else has their card and I'm left out because some stupid secretary at the doctors office gave me the wrong information.


I don't see why the heck that Simpson oil should not be the primary drug to prescribe for my disease!!! It gets me eating and relieves pain,,,,if ever i can get good Marj!! :growl:


So anyone PLEASE!!! P.M. me and give me some info to help me. If you have advice in regard to me filling out a new application for a MM card and where to go for the doctors approval,,,I would be soooo grateful.


Thank You: Jeff

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EggyBuddy, fret not.


Lansing has a wonderful Doctor that can see you tomorrow, if you so choose.


Come by the Capitol City Compassion Club between 10a and 3p, 2010 Michigan Ave (next to Emil's) Sundays for the Doctor.


:bow: No kiddin? Should I bring my most recent medical records?


And the $54,000 dollar question,,,,HOW MUCH WILL IT COST ME?

I'm on medicare,,and disability,,,so i know the application fee is only 25 bucks...


I don't really know what the Mich. Dept. of Health does about 'lost paperwork'. I can only assume that this 'Marihuna' dept. lost the shyt!! That's why my checks not cashed..


Thanks SOOOO much for the info and ,,I'm sick,,,but I'll crawl up to Emils tomarow if i have to and get re-applied for this card. It's really my fault for not having applied for it last Nov..A thousand thanks Julie!!!! Your a SAINT!!! :bow::bow:

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