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Headlines: "is Obama Planning On Allowing More Medical Marijuana Raids?"

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The So-Called "Public Office" of The Presidency"


FOR The Health and Benefit of The PEOPLE, or just MORE Power and Control of The PEOPLE?


Um ... well' THERE's a "NO BRAINER," eh?!




(From Lying, Back-stabbing, Heartless, Forked-Tongue Politicians!




STAND-UP - for What WE (Hopefully) ALL Believe in - Peace, Love, Hope and Enlightenment ...


(Before Soul-less Government Bureaucrats - like "you know who" Kill FREEDOM and COMPASSION - completely!)


CANNABIS CURES - Without Fears



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Imagine that Obama told people that he was gonna do this and that and a bunch of dummies elected him .. Who would have known.

Who would have known? Anybody that has dealt with him personally, and or followed his "career" since he was running around on 95th St on the South Side of Chicago trying to do different things. Don't get me wrong he did accomplish some very good things, like the asbestos removal from low income housing, getting an unemployment/training office (equivalent of Michigan Works) opened closer to the same folks (the people that lived there had to take a bus or train 45 minutes to the nearest office), and a couple of other things. I am not sure how much of it was due to him personally, but he was active in pushing the issue, which is good enough for me. There are many other things that he used smoke and mirrors to hide, distract, and misdirect folks that had questions about his appointments to various boards, and funds.


Unfortunately, not much of a surprise, at least to those that knew him when he was still an organizer. I prayed and continue to do so, that he will turn out to be different. However, just looking at the quick list of promises on Gitmo, DADT, and being post racial, one can see "Hope" was just a campaign slogan, and change is what we are all still waiting for.

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Lol I like how liberals have already given me a negitive review for saying something negitive about their mesiah obama. So typical of this forums.......




I am far from being a liberal, but will be adding a negative for you just because you seem to like them. Oh and calling out this forum as typical, is far from accurate.


Actually, now that I think of it, I might be a liberal; but only if one uses the truest meaning of the word, not the modern distortion of it. I definitely believe in individual liberty.

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I am far from being a liberal, but will be adding a negative for you just because you seem to like them. Oh and calling out this forum as typical, is far from accurate.


Actually, now that I think of it, I might be a liberal; but only if one uses the truest meaning of the word, not the modern distortion of it. I definitely believe in individual liberty.



Yeah your a pretty classy guy IMO. Guess its easy to act like an donkey when you are sitting behind a monitor.

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Intolerance? Please show me where I displayed anything close to intolerance.


Awesome spot to jump in with your first post. Welcome to the site.



"I am far from being a liberal, but will be adding a negative for you just because you seem to like them. Oh and calling out this forum as typical, is far from accurate."



Wasnt that hard to find, just had to scroll up. Why dont you leave the hate at home now ?

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"I am far from being a liberal, but will be adding a negative for you just because you seem to like them. Oh and calling out this forum as typical, is far from accurate."



Wasnt that hard to find, just had to scroll up. Why dont you leave the hate at home now ?

Keep hitting me with the negatives from your puppet accounts. How is what I posted intolerance? Especially in light of what I was responding to?


Lol I like how liberals have already given me a negitive review for saying something negitive about their mesiah obama. So typical of this forums.......


Glad to see you are back and playing games, we did miss you during your vacation.

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Keep hitting me with the negatives from your puppet accounts. How is what I posted intolerance? Especially in light of what I was responding to?




Glad to see you are back and playing games, we did miss you during your vacation.




Is your policy that you neg rep anyone you disagree with? Thats called intolerance. Come on "rev" show some tolerance to people that have a different opinion then yours

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Intolerance? Please show me where I displayed anything close to intolerance.


Awesome spot to jump in with your first post. Welcome to the site.

Do't worry I pos repped you..I understand that people disagree on here but passing out negative rep rather than working it out is really a slimy move..I wish that this site would just lose rep all together all it does is allow those who cannot properly debate a way to hit you in the balls...I am sure for example someone wil give me negaitive rep for simply saying what I just said..Probably someone that fits the description of what I just described lol.

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Is your policy that you neg rep anyone you disagree with? Thats called intolerance. Come on "rev" show some tolerance to people that have a different opinion then yours

Actually there are folks around here that I disagree with and have given positive rep to. So let's see how this all balances out. I gave out 1 negative point in this thread, and even claimed it (unlike the hit and run types), and for this I have received a slew of them from you and your puppet accounts. Interesting take on tolerence. I am not even sure why I am giving you the attention that you seem to be seeking, but figure talking with you about such things might actually make a difference. I can see that is probably not going to happen.


I will agree with you about one thing though. If the childish behavior and trolling is allowed to go on in this forum, including neg bombing a particular poster for bs reasons, I simply will remove myself from the situation and allow the children to have their playground.

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Do't worry I pos repped you..I understand that people disagree on here but passing out negative rep rather than working it out is really a slimy move..I wish that this site would just lose rep all together all it does is allow those who cannot properly debate a way to hit you in the balls...I am sure for example someone wil give me negaitive rep for simply saying what I just said..Probably someone that fits the description of what I just described lol.



No negitive rep, i agree completely. When the Rev walks in and pops 4 people with a negitive review because he is upset people are questioning the president, something is wrong. I find his behavior extremely slimly, and going through his post history have found other examples of the same type of behavior.

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Actually there are folks around here that I disagree with and have given positive rep to. So let's see how this all balances out. I gave out 1 negative point in this thread, and even claimed it (unlike the hit and run types), and for this I have received a slew of them from you and your puppet accounts. Interesting take on tolerence. I am not even sure why I am giving you the attention that you seem to be seeking, but figure talking with you about such things might actually make a difference. I can see that is probably not going to happen.


I will agree with you about one thing though. If the childish behavior and trolling is allowed to go on in this forum, including neg bombing a particular poster for bs reasons, I simply will remove myself from the situation and allow the children to have their playground.



Yeah you should remove head from donkey. Maybe you should try to be more understanding instead of coming in and giving people negitive reviews because you disagree with their stance. And you popped out 4 negitive reviews not 1, i went and gave the other people postive reviews that you neg repped for having a different opinion then you. I think you are still on the playground with the rest of the children.

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No negitive rep, i agree completely. When the Rev walks in and pops 4 people with a negitive review because he is upset people are questioning the president, something is wrong. I find his behavior extremely slimly, and going through his post history have found other examples of the same type of behavior.

I popped 1 person with a negative. We could definitely compare post histories and examples of behavior around here.

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I popped 1 person with a negative. We could definitely compare post histories and examples of behavior around here.



no, you popped 4 right down the row. I came in and pos repped the people you neg repped. tis tis for lying still. Im done discussing with you, not much to be gained from intolerant people like yourself. I have to go do my real life responsibilities , as i have a job.

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Lets face it Obama is no superhero.. The PC pillow hugger's elected him for the most part to show the world that this country is suppose to be tolerant. If you do your research on this clown you will see his track record..He only voted like one time yay in his office held in Illinois and that was for live birth abortion. However people say that is a rumor started by the other side whatever that even means considering repubs and dems in my opinion are all one party at this point. The rest of his time in office there he just plain didn't make any decisions. Not one vote other than that ONE..Let's face it he was elected more to make a racial statement than he was for what he stood for..I mean for real did peole really believe that he was going to make any change? HE'S A FRIGGIN POLITICIAN PERIOD. They all lie and tell us what we want to hear..It basically a marionette show when these butcheeses are debating for the presidency.. I have said and still think that no matter what whoever you elect will be the same as the last guy...Of course you really can't even touch the farce of a presidency that GWB had but still, a politician is a politician nothing more nothing less.......

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no, you popped 4 right down the row. I came in and pos repped the people you neg repped. tis tis for lying still. Im done discussing with you, not much to be gained from intolerant people like yourself. I have to go do my real life responsibilities , as i have a job.

You guys need to work this crap out without using rep lol..I just pos repped both ya..We as CG's and Pt's need pos rep..Now don't get me wrong if someone is like on here saying MM patients and cg's are all smelly hippies or something they don't need or deserve pos rep..Remember guys we are all in this together..

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All i hear on here is how people should be tolerant of MM patient's and Cg's, everyone gets sooo mad when we are all attacked like on that MLIVE page BobandTorey posted..Why would you ignore someone for having a differing opinion than you? How is that being tolerant..How does it look to a new person to this site when we can't even get along ourselves? I mean we will and have all disagreed on different things but I really truly wish we could find a better way of working it out than ignoring each other and negative repping each other..

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