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Why Is This "war" Failing? War Is The "wrong Tool."

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Would you use a hammer to cut a piece of glass?

Can you pass a law that requires a person to be a Christian?

These are wrong tools for the intended jobs.

If you need a box wrench, a screwdriver won't help you. It's the wrong tool.

How about if you tell a little child "don't touch that burner" and then leave the room?
You could go to jail for child endangerment.
So why tell children "don't use drugs" and then send them out into the world?

Or why vote in Lansing or Washington DC and expect children to listen better than they would at home?

It's the wrong tool for the intended job.

That's why the war on drugs can not possibly work the way it's being fought now.
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Would you use a hammer to cut a piece of glass?


Can you pass a law that requires a person to be a Christian?


These are wrong tools for the intended jobs.


If you need a box wrench, a screwdriver won't help you. It's the wrong tool.


How about if you tell a little child "don't touch that burner" and then leave the room?

You could go to jail for child endangerment.

So why tell children "don't use drugs" and then send them out into the world?


Or why vote in Lansing or Washington DC and expect children to listen better than they would at home?


It's the wrong tool for the intended job.


That's why the war on drugs can not possibly work the way it's being fought now.

as always Pb well said

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"War" is not a construction tool.

Sometimes war is a construction (constructive) tool, just as a back hoe clears the debris for pouring a new foundation. That being said, I agree it is definitely not the right tool for our government to be using against us. It is a war against us, don't be fooled. They are running it on all levels just like one, there is a military force, psyops, PR, and "legal" maneuvering to gain an upper hand on us, the perceived enemy. Every tactic they have tried has failed in one form or another; and as now the hypocrisy and coverups are starting to leak about what they do know or have known, the populace is questioning the sanity of this war. While people have been focused on the costs of foreign wars, they have forgotten to look at the costs of blood and treasure in this domestic war.


The casualties have been high, the costs have been insane, and here we are still able to fight back against this tyranny. My friend they may have won some of the early battles but this war has taken a decidedly different course and we are winning it, slowly, we have have turned the tide, and when that outbound wave hits them they will not know what happened.


These last few days I have been doing a whole lot of thinking and reflecting on this issue, and for some reason I keep going back to a verse in the bible that talks about the tree of life and how it's leaves are meant for healing of the nations. Perhaps, just a coincidence, but I know of only one plant that has that kind of healing power.


I wish you the very best.

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Sometimes war is a construction (constructive) tool, just as a back hoe clears the debris for pouring a new foundation. That being said, I agree it is definitely not the right tool for our government to be using against us. It is a war against us, don't be fooled. They are running it on all levels just like one, there is a military force, psyops, PR, and "legal" maneuvering to gain an upper hand on us, the perceived enemy. Every tactic they have tried has failed in one form or another; and as now the hypocrisy and coverups are starting to leak about what they do know or have known, the populace is questioning the sanity of this war. While people have been focused on the costs of foreign wars, they have forgotten to look at the costs of blood and treasure in this domestic war.


The casualties have been high, the costs have been insane, and here we are still able to fight back against this tyranny. My friend they may have won some of the early battles but this war has taken a decidedly different course and we are winning it, slowly, we have have turned the tide, and when that outbound wave hits them they will not know what happened.


These last few days I have been doing a whole lot of thinking and reflecting on this issue, and for some reason I keep going back to a verse in the bible that talks about the tree of life and how it's leaves are meant for healing of the nations. Perhaps, just a coincidence, but I know of only one plant that has that kind of healing power.


I wish you the very best.


I guess I need better examples :(


Healing is my weapon of choice, in this war. It is a weapon of spirit. To properly counter attack would require another spiritual weapon. From Washington or Lansing???? I guess anything is possible.. but not likely.


I use my topical oil as a tool for healing. It's easier for people to believe.


And don't believe what I say .. believe what I do.


I expect to see a bottle of peanutbutters topical oil in the white house.


My weapon of mass construction.


Walls are just doorways waiting to happen. When the door opens, the responsibility of the believe is to step forward.


Reverend Gershom of the THC Ministries


I bet I get several rapid fire neg hits on this one .. :)

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I guess I need better examples :(


Healing is my weapon of choice, in this war. It is a weapon of spirit. To properly counter attack would require another spiritual weapon. From Washington or Lansing???? I guess anything is possible.. but not likely.


I use my topical oil as a tool for healing. It's easier for people to believe.


And don't believe what I say .. believe what I do.


I expect to see a bottle of peanutbutters topical oil in the white house.


My weapon of mass construction.


Walls are just doorways waiting to happen. When the door opens, the responsibility of the believe is to step forward.


Reverend Gershom of the THC Ministries


I bet I get several rapid fire neg hits on this one .. :)

Nah my friend, your examples were spot on. As you stated, war is definitely the WRONG tool to be using. I was just pointing out that many of our brothers and sisters don't understand that this war has had the same if not more costs associated with it than our foreign wars. Further, that if they continue to fight against the citizens of our great nation, that they should realize that some of us are willing to stand on that line and defend that which we swore to defend. Finally, that we are and can win this war.


In order for us to heal the minds we must first heal their bodies. I think that you are well on the way to doing that with your topical oil, and I can't wait for the day when there is a bottle sitting on the corner of that desk in the oval office.


Is that the same THC Ministries that are also in Hawaii? I have been following a case from over there to see how the religious protections will stand against the CSA, it involves the founder of the THC Ministries, Roger Christie. I even have a theory on how they can beat the charges.


Under the RFRA of 1993, there are religious exemptions allowed from most federal laws, and The U.S. Supreme Court decision Alberto R. Gonzales, Attorney General, et al., v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal et al., 546 U.S. 418 (2006) specifically applied the RFRA to protect religious use of ayahuasca, a schedule I drug.


Further, one only need look at the rulings regarding peyote use.


Keep up the fight my friend, the healers are the most valuable assetts when the defication hits the mechanical spinning blades. I for one, am very glad to have you on our side.

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That's the place. Roger is being held without bond, the last I heard.


Gershom is my given name. The first known usage is the oldest son of Moses. In honor of his visits to odd places. A stranger in a strange land.


I was surprised to find out that their HQ in HI is called the temple of Moses. I found out only after they granted me Rev. status.


What a long strange trip it's been ...


I'm operating the manifestation of the working of miracles. One of the nine manifestations of spirit. Healing is a tool toward that work.


The mountain I'm pointed at is called the federal laws against marijuana.


It will move.

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I know they were supposed to be having another hearing or something coming up soon. The actual trial start date is in April of 2011. There was a nice demonstration held yesterday as well for this particular case...


Rally for Roger Christie in Hilo


August 23, 2010 – Hilo, Hawaii


Video by David Corrigan


Over 200 supporters of Roger Christie rallied at the Mooheau bandstand on Wednesday. Christie, who founded the THC-Ministry in Hilo where he says he shared the sacrament of cannabis with members, was arrested in July for running what federal authorities called a “large scale” marijuana business.


The situation has apparently mobilized followers of Christie’s beliefs, who see the ministry bust as an assault on their freedoms. During the rally, speakers directed angry remarks towards law enforcement, and the few county police officers who were quietly monitoring the gathering from the bayfront parking lot. After the bandstand rally, marijuana advocates marched to the Hilo federal building to protest Christie’s incarceration.


Christie is currently being held federal detention center without bail, where he awaits an April 2011 trial. In all, 14 people were arrested for their alleged connections to the THC-Ministry.




There is some extended video from the rally on that link.


We will definitely need to sit down sometime and talk.

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I know they were supposed to be having another hearing or something coming up soon. The actual trial start date is in April of 2011. There was a nice demonstration held yesterday as well for this particular case...




There is some extended video from the rally on that link.


We will definitely need to sit down sometime and talk.


Some great videos!

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