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Is It Time


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i got a cpl ladies that i think are about ready but not to sure. this is a lil cross i made myself a few years back but haveing a hard time reading the plants. i got about 50 percent or so of the hairs that have turned orange so i busted out the dope scope to look at the crystals and im about 60 percent cloudy/white every thing is pointing to them being ready but there are a boat load of white hairs still and i dont want to be to late on the harves and i sure as hell dont wanna pick early. what does every one think??

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wait for some amber trics. I think then you will have less white hairs. Thought hairs are not the best indicator. Trust the scope.


I like to wait for a few amber tric's or more. More potent & seems to taste better.


hope that helps a little.................It's kind of a personal thing. Take one if u think its ready, leave one to go a while longer & see which one you like best.

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Do you plan on flushing? if so, how? If your in soil and are doing a 2 week flush, start now. If you do the "emergency flush" wait till you see a couple amber trich's.


you don't normally want to chop before the trich's are all white/cloudy.

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i'd hold out alittle longer,when you start seeing a few amber triclones you're getting closer,from there its a matter of personal choice,i like mine about 10-15% amber but thats me,you'll have to decide for yourself.patiences pays so give it another week if you can hold out that long...lol...good luck...zzb

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