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50 Kids Took From Parents/patients

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Is Oakland stock piling kids?


Maybe someone could research this.


I hear maybe 50 kids took from parents/patients


I have a trusted source that said up 50 have been kidnaped from families that are patients.


I just dont have the time to do it. Can anyone help? Thanks

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Is Oakland stock piling kids?


Maybe someone could research this.


I hear maybe 50 kids took from parents/patients


I have a trusted source that said up 50 have been kidnaped from families that are patients.


I just dont have the time to do it. Can anyone help? Thanks



man i wish i had the time id realy like to know whats up, I have a few storys from my part of the woods!

Im kinda busy do my own thing to keep what i have! I hope you understand my discreetness, but i gotta do what i gotta do to keep things happy just like they are,,peeps are trying to use my kids as black mail against me, and I dont mean under ground thugs, I mean appointed and socalled getting paid by my tax paying money messin with me and mine.


any info would help me also. pm me if you can or email me






P.s Lets see so far i feel like i got a bulls eye on me, and and s for sucker on my forehead, I have been quit by my dr. after being with her for 12 yrs, quit me because i tested pos for thc and have my card, and Im being called a bad parent because i dont do methadone or xanax or morphine or any drugs, only a miracle plant, I lovingly call weed! something realy stinks,


What is wrong with this picture? sure never had close to these probs before i became legitably legal?

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