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Grand Rapids Meeting Today At 1Pm


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Guest Medicinal Patient

How was the meeting Tony? Surprised to see that someone finally gave up the location. There would be more members in attendance if the leaders were more willing to share location information. Do they support the 3MA still? I know one of the leaders named Tony had a bunch of probs here before and seemed to distance himself at one point. Hope you got a nice prezzie for your birthday! Happy Belated Birthday Man!

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Ya, it was a good time, literally the blind leading the blind,


i am seriously thinking about taking the bull by the hornes and getting this going, but i have to find out how meetings go in other places.


i swing by the galewood and see if they are ok with us meeting there every third saturday still.


if anyone has any questions shoot me an email



thanks all


Luke V.

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Ya, it was a good time, literally the blind leading the blind,


i am seriously thinking about taking the bull by the hornes and getting this going, but i have to find out how meetings go in other places.


i swing by the galewood and see if they are ok with us meeting there every third saturday still.


if anyone has any questions shoot me an email



thanks all


Luke V.


I personally think that we should hold them on GR's West Side next.. And not necessarily at the same place every time. Anyway who's up for Rocktobers meeting?

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