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Newbie Here Looking To Find Clones


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Hello all,


This is my first post on this site.

I have recently become a cargiver and have my paperwork in hand , just not the card yet. I have the room ready to go now all I need is to find some good quality clones to begin with. My patient is keen on more cerebral energetic sativa like effects any reccomendations? I live near the Ann Arbor area can any one tell me where to go, or if anyone can help me out ?


Thanks in advance.

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Hello all,


This is my first post on this site.

I have recently become a cargiver and have my paperwork in hand , just not the card yet. I have the room ready to go now all I need is to find some good quality clones to begin with. My patient is keen on more cerebral energetic sativa like effects any reccomendations? I live near the Ann Arbor area can any one tell me where to go, or if anyone can help me out ?


Thanks in advance.


420Peace Intruder420,

Welcome to the 3ma

Ck out Super Silver Haze F-1

Then if you like contact me...

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I'm also a noob growing for myself and another patient. My patient needs something to stimulate appetite and calm anxiety at night before bed.


I need something for pain but still functioning and then pain/sleep.


So I'm looking for some hardy strains/clones that can take the noob fumblings. If you guys have suggestions please let me know.



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Guys why are you taking on patients and you dont have meds availible for them?

How can you possibly meet their needs?

There are two of you who claim to be new to c.g ing and dont have a clue and another on here who has been a c.g and dont have a clue!


So You got your paper now and you think you can just start a grow and meet your patients needs. whether they are new to weed or pro smokers from way back like me?


If either one of the 2 of you that are new c.g's are doing this for your partner or a family member, Im sorry for blasting you, If you took on a complete stranger who realy is counting on you to get them good quality mm that suits their needs, shame on you.

you will come out the loser in your game!

If you are truly doing it for compasion, I wish you the best of luck!


Free the Weed!

so we all can get it everywhere and have many choices of qualitys and affordable quantity's




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I don't feel the need to explain myself or my situation to you. If I wanted someone to make me feel like crap for no reason, I'd call my mother, lol. So take your shame, and well, you know what you can do with it.


I think that's a pretty broad statement to say I don't have a clue. I might be new to growing but my patient IS being cared for. I've had chronic, DISABLING pain for 9 years and I don't see you yelling at me saying why am I growing my own plants and ordering me to a caregiver promptly, as I MUST be cared for, immediately! Well hell's bells, I've decided to take care of myself and I might have to wait three months for my own medicinal harvest but the law doesn't prevent me or my patient from getting our meds elsewhere until then. So who really is clueless? Did you even think about the fact that perhaps my patient is poor as a church mouse and would be grateful that someone is growing for free for him/her? Or how about the possibility that patient doesn't know anyone else who is a caregiver or even wants anyone else to be a caregiver?


There's a plethora of reasons why someone might choose to go with a new grower/caregiver, all of them valid, and none of them your business.


I understand that you think you are doing a service by making those statements, but you're not helping me any by talking down to me while having no, zippo, nada clue about why or how I and my patient choose to get our MM.


I'm sorry if my response seems harsh, but I don't know you from a hole in a wall and you certainly don't know enough about me or my motivations or reasons for doing what I'm doing, so it's quite premature and ignorant to make the comments you made, IMO.


'Nuff said.

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I don't feel the need to explain myself or my situation to you. If I wanted someone to make me feel like crap for no reason, I'd call my mother, lol. So take your shame, and well, you know what you can do with it.


I think that's a pretty broad statement to say I don't have a clue. I might be new to growing but my patient IS being cared for. I've had chronic, DISABLING pain for 9 years and I don't see you yelling at me saying why am I growing my own plants and ordering me to a caregiver promptly, as I MUST be cared for, immediately! Well hell's bells, I've decided to take care of myself and I might have to wait three months for my own medicinal harvest but the law doesn't prevent me or my patient from getting our meds elsewhere until then. So who really is clueless? Did you even think about the fact that perhaps my patient is poor as a church mouse and would be grateful that someone is growing for free for him/her? Or how about the possibility that patient doesn't know anyone else who is a caregiver or even wants anyone else to be a caregiver?


There's a plethora of reasons why someone might choose to go with a new grower/caregiver, all of them valid, and none of them your business.




I understand that you think you are doing a service by making those statements, but you're not helping me any by talking down to me while having no, zippo, nada clue about why or how I and my patient choose to get our MM.


I'm sorry if my response seems harsh, but I don't know you from a hole in a wall and you certainly don't know enough about me or my motivations or reasons for doing what I'm doing, so it's quite premature and ignorant to make the comments you made, IMO.


'Nuff said.



Well I understand you dont have to explain your situation to me, but thank you for doing so anyhow!


You did not state you were a patient already growing for yourself!


I appoligize for being harsh to you! Your start of the thread seemed like you were just becoming a new c.g and taking on patients, an now you needed to scramble to find the rite mm from others for your patient!


You were not harsh to me!

I wish you the best of luck!


Im sorry i thought you were the thread starter, your the 3

2nd new c.g, good luck to you, norhern lites and white widow are pretty newbie friendly!





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I don't feel the need to explain myself or my situation to you. If I wanted someone to make me feel like crap for no reason, I'd call my mother, lol. So take your shame, and well, you know what you can do with it.


I think that's a pretty broad statement to say I don't have a clue. I might be new to growing but my patient IS being cared for. I've had chronic, DISABLING pain for 9 years and I don't see you yelling at me saying why am I growing my own plants and ordering me to a caregiver promptly, as I MUST be cared for, immediately! Well hell's bells, I've decided to take care of myself and I might have to wait three months for my own medicinal harvest but the law doesn't prevent me or my patient from getting our meds elsewhere until then. So who really is clueless? Did you even think about the fact that perhaps my patient is poor as a church mouse and would be grateful that someone is growing for free for him/her? Or how about the possibility that patient doesn't know anyone else who is a caregiver or even wants anyone else to be a caregiver?


There's a plethora of reasons why someone might choose to go with a new grower/caregiver, all of them valid, and none of them your business.




I understand that you think you are doing a service by making those statements, but you're not helping me any by talking down to me while having no, zippo, nada clue about why or how I and my patient choose to get our MM.


I'm sorry if my response seems harsh, but I don't know you from a hole in a wall and you certainly don't know enough about me or my motivations or reasons for doing what I'm doing, so it's quite premature and ignorant to make the comments you made, IMO.


'Nuff s


Well I understand you dont have to explain your situation to me, but thank you for doing so anyhow!


You did not state you were a patient already growing for yourself!


I appoligize for being harsh to you! Your start of the thread seemed like you were just becoming a new c.g and taking on patients, an now you needed to scramble to find the rite mm from others for your patient!


You were not harsh to me!

I wish you the best of luck!


Im sorry i thought you were the thread starter, your the 3

2nd new c.g, good luck to you, norhern lites and white widow are pretty newbie friendly!





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hey now, what comes first? The chicken or the egg? You have to have a patient to grow, you can't grow without a patient. You have to begin somewhere, unless your the illegal type that will probably get this law under minded anyway, and if so, what do you care? I am having troubles along these lines and could use SUPPORTIVE input. I became a caregiver because I care. I grow for the passion of it. I am a law abiding citizen and didn't grow marijuana for years before becoming a caregiver. Just because I want to help someone, doesn't mean I'm willing to spend years in prison to do it illegally. And you or anyone else in here is not the law on who can be a persons caregiver, I'm obviously taking offense to this, because it is a hardship both patient and caregiver must reap in the beginning stages of getting legal. Here here to all that want to help! We need to keep it cool and not bow to the all mighty dollar, have patience and tolerance and you will win at this game! Naysayers like this are the ones that want to keep caps on things just so they are the only ones reaping all the benefits. I can't believe on a site like this someone would go as far as to say "you are not worthy of being someone caregiver". Please people, uplift and guide. It is no ones place to say who can or can't or who should or shouldn't. We are here to help. Okay, done bitching! I have been getting connected with clones through meeting people on here, as well as getting out in to the community and meeting people. This is all about networking! Sorry for the rant! No need to reply, just had to get it out : )

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