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Politically Motivated Lay-Offs

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I was talking with family and friends about the current political climate and the blatant racism that surrounds it. And we started talking about the economy and with all the so called indicators showing a recovery, slow recovery, but things are starting to pick up.


And then this was broached. What if certain racist corporations of America were intentionally letting people go to bring negative light on Pres.Obama and the Democrats. (And to be honest I think its already happening.)


When I was working our company would use temp services to fill slots until we could hire someone capable of doing the job. I called two of the agencies we used most often and was told more temps are being used now than when our company used them.


Temp worker doesn't count as a full time employee so would not be counted in a job created under Pres.Obama so, instead if hiring a hundred thousand or even a million people they use temps and it makes the economy look worse.


Bad economy equals a bad President and administration.


I do not doubt for a second that their are forces at work behind the scenes doing their level best to undermine any programs coming from the Dems in order to disgrace Pres.Obama and narrow his odds of even thinking of running for a second term.


It took years for the forces that destroyed our economy and it will take years to get it straightened out. And the GOP and teabaggers sure are shouting its all Pres.Obama's fault nice try but, That's wrong and the GOP and teabaggers are going to be surprised when they lose in November and in 2012.

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It happens and if the GOP or the teabaggers get in power more lay offs are coming. The excuse will be the Democrats cost us money so we have to lay people off to recoup the money lost. The total lack of any bipartisanship on the hill is criminal and each and everyone of the GOP needs to be voted out.


The GOP successfully filibustered a bill to death that would increase spending for personal protection gear for our front line troops. The reason they did this was an amendment they had added the Democrats wanted it removed because it gave a subsidy to a company that has made a profit every year for ten years it didn't need government welfare but it was a republicans friend.


On CNN tonight one GOP strategist said that wages need to be reduced and the minimum wage be cut and that would help stimulate the economy. He didn't just drink the Kool-Aid he chugged it.


The gap between the rich and the poor is growing and its getting harder to tell where the middle class starts anymore. Wages cannot remain stagnant the way they have for the past twenty years while management and company owners rake in more and more profits.


Until real hard banking and wall street regulation is put in place we will again go through another financial calamity that will be worse and quite possibly not be able to recover from.


Mortgage backed securities are still be trading as are credit default swaps. Two parts of many that caused the problems that put us where we are at now.

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I was talking with family and friends about the current political climate and the blatant racism that surrounds it. And we started talking about the economy and with all the so called indicators showing a recovery, slow recovery, but things are starting to pick up.


And then this was broached. What if certain racist corporations of America were intentionally letting people go to bring negative light on Pres.Obama and the Democrats. (And to be honest I think its already happening.)


When I was working our company would use temp services to fill slots until we could hire someone capable of doing the job. I called two of the agencies we used most often and was told more temps are being used now than when our company used them.


Temp worker doesn't count as a full time employee so would not be counted in a job created under Pres.Obama so, instead if hiring a hundred thousand or even a million people they use temps and it makes the economy look worse.


Bad economy equals a bad President and administration.


I do not doubt for a second that their are forces at work behind the scenes doing their level best to undermine any programs coming from the Dems in order to disgrace Pres.Obama and narrow his odds of even thinking of running for a second term.


It took years for the forces that destroyed our economy and it will take years to get it straightened out. And the GOP and teabaggers sure are shouting its all Pres.Obama's fault nice try but, That's wrong and the GOP and teabaggers are going to be surprised when they lose in November and in 2012.


True, a temp woker is not an employee of the company where he works. But he IS an employee of the contract company and as such his job counts towards the total employed. Your argument is baseless.

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True, a temp woker is not an employee of the company where he works. But he IS an employee of the contract company and as such his job counts towards the total employed. Your argument is baseless.

Also, with the regulations regarding health care and their costs, plus an unknown upcoming tax picture, it is cheaper and less headache to use contracted help.


I would further add that assuming that such layoffs and or hiring practices are based on the race of the president, is a bit of a stretch. I could buy that such practices were based on the bottom line, but to dump their own companies into the crapper because of the race of our president...


Just my opinions.

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