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Huron County Patients

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In anticipation of the proposed ordinance, that would outright ban Medical Marijuana in Huron County, I'm looking to network with some patients in the county. I'm basically looking for residents of Huron County who are qualified patients. I understand first hand any concerns of retaliation from LEO, as I too reside in Huron County, and promise confidentiality. If there is anyone that would be willing to attend the counsel meeting to let the commissioners know what quality of life cannabis has provided for them, and if the ordinance is passed what that would mean for their medical treatment, this would help the cause and the Huron County Commissioners need to hear it. Building and Zoning Director, Russ Lundberg, said "How do we enforce a law that isn't clearly defined at the state level?....The bottom line is we felt the easiest response is not to allow Medical Marijuana facilities under county zoning," Further more, Lundberg is being advised by Huron County Corporation Counsel Stephen J. Allen, once Huron County Chief Assistant Prosecutor and undercover narcotics agent. Allen's revisions would make it a requirement to operate under local, state, and federal law. Which would be their way to skirt the laws of the MMMP. We passed this law with 63% of the vote statewide and it was passed in every county. This clearly against the wishes of the voters and more in the interest of the minority of people you oppose it with no apparent reason other than they don't like it.


Perhaps, on some level, the counsel could be reasoned with and work with the community to come up with a solution that would please both sides. I have been working with the ACLU and their attorneys are currently looking at the situation, I also have been receiving legal counsel from other sources. There will be a chance that the ACLU will pick this case up, provided there are some [at least one patient] willing to sign as a plaintiff. Once that happens an injunction can be filed, stopping the ordinance while it's reviewed in the courts. The best thing we can do is stand together as patients and be prepared to work with the ACLU or any other attorney that maybe sympathetic to our cause. This attempted zoning is not legal and a slap in the face to voters and a real threat to anyone who's life's have been improved with Cannabis. :sword::growl:

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Thanks, Bob And Torey. If need be I think I'll have 3 signatures, 2 for sure. Hope this post will help find others. Just a reminder to anyone that is a caregiver in Huron County: As the law is written,I believe you would be considered a Medical Marijuana Facility. i.e.(2) for each registered qualifying patient who has specified that the primary caregiver will be allowed under state law to cultivate marihuana for the qualifying patient, 12 marihuana plants kept in an enclosed, locked facility; and

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