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Form Letter To Oust Mike Bouchard

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This is a letter everyone can copy and send in your own email. It was given to me at the Ferndale Clinical Relief.



To: mariedonigan@house.mi.gov; ellenlipton@house.mi.gov; timmelton@house.mi.gov; vincentgregory@house.mi.gov; vickibarnett@house.mi.gov; hughcrawford@house.mi.gov; lisabrown@house.mi.gov; chuckmoss@house.mi.gov; martyknollenberg@house.mi.gov; gailhaines@house.mi.gov; eileenlkowall@house.mi.gov; tommcmillin@house.mi.gov; jimmarleau@house.mi.gov; billrogers@house.mi.gov





Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard is wasting my tax dollars in an effort to bully legal medical marijuana patients and caregivers. As a Michigan citizen it is my right to take measures tio remove a public servant that is ignoring the law and not serving the best interest of the citizens who voted him into office and pay his salary through his tax dollars. I am contacting you because you are an Oakland County representative and this is the proper channel for me to take action as a citizen.


Mike Bouchard doesn't like the way the Michigan Medical Marijuana laws are written so he is making up rules as he goes while ignoring the laws in place. Instead of trying to change the existing laws through proper channels, Mike Bouchard is terrorizing the citizens that elected him Sheriff in an effort to gain attention and strong-arm the state to change the laws to suit his desires.


This is not about protecting people, this is a drug war mindset of defeat and subsequent battle. If Mike Bouchard was concerned about protecting people from substances that harm, he would be battling the most harmful drugs: alcohol and cigarettes.


I am a law-abiding citizen that is intolerant of unlawful gestapo terrorism on behalf of a public servant. The confiscation of medical files, the apparent framing of caregivers, and blatant dismissal of legislation passed by the people of Michigan is disturbing. No one should have to live in fear of law enforcement while following the law.


I want to remove Mike Bouchard as Sheriff if Oakland County, and to remind him that he is a servant of the people he's terrorizing.



Thank you,

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With few variations this is usually what I get returned when mailing Rep:



Thank you for contacting my office. This is an automatically generated email to confirm that I have received your message.


As the State Representative of the 37th District, serving the residents of Farmington and Farmington Hills is my top priority. I give great consideration to the concerns and input of all constituents and I am committed to responding to all inquiries.


My staff and I personally respond to the hundreds of requests for information or assistance my office receives each week. However, because it may take some time to research your specific issue and due to the sheer volume of inquiries we receive, it may be several days before you hear back from us. If you would like a more immediate response to a question or need assistance with a time sensitive issue, I encourage you to call my office at 1-888-642-4037.


If you've reached my office in error, we will be happy to refer your message to your state representative.


Thank you.







Vicki Barnett

Michigan State Representative

37th District






They say tuff petunias ?

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