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Can A Group Of Patients Grow Together

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Well I would say if you didnt advertise it, and you know the other pt's very well maybe! lol



um as long as every one had their rooms seperate and locked so they could only get into them!

I dont know about going over 50 plants in one place would be wise! I dont know my mind goes Grey!


Good Luck!

Loose lips sink ships!





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how many friends? One of you could become the caregiver for everyone else, assuming there is no more then 6 of you.

Everyone would be legal to be in the same grow area and help in caring for the plants.



That sounds good!


I like the idea of having chains of c.g/pt's every one growing in their own place but being linked to every county in MI.

some one in every group has to be a pt/c.g to some one in the next county, all related, and we could get all diff meds for all of our patients, and not take a chance of breaking fed laws!





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It is an excellent way to be as legal and covered as is currently possible, while sharing a grow space with other card holders. Cuts each growers expensive waaaaay down!


Make sure you trust every person you plan on working with!

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