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Cafes And Coffee Shops


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Annnnnnnnd back on track. Zapatosunidos hit the nail on the head. It would be a permanent part of an otherwise functioning cafe. I figure the bulk of the medibles would be to go orders or some form of dinner kit to cook at home. This way no one has to worry about driving home after eating. It also enables patients who have a hard time getting around the option of "stocking up" on meals for the coming week. It could be a smaller sectioned off patient area. This post was more to see what, if anything is actually legal. I would in no way support any operation that less than ABOVE CODE or not acting in accordance with all state and local laws. I want to ruffle no feathers. The whole complete legalization and speakeasy idea...its interesting and I am for legalization, but this is not that battle. I just want a quaint, small coffee shop/cafe that can help patients with delicious food.

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