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I Have A 2 Headded Seedling!


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Hello all, I'm doing my first serious grow (meds) I was transplanting today, and found a sprout about 6 or 7 days old,,, its a double stalked sprout it splits just above the first little rounded baby leaves.I'll try to attach pics. but i do have a pic. and will follow its groth and sex.....never in 50yrs. have i seen such a thing.thanks B

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Yep, that is rare... But it happens more often than more people would presume.


Have fun with it, & take pictures and try to notice subtle differences.


Seeds are full of wild potential's--- It's possible to have triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets...AND-- The higher up, the rarer of course.


Many theories as to why?.... I have even heard when a genetic is inbred for too long these results have been seen in the plant research kingdom.


It's still a puzzling question for many researchers--- As with those preceding thoughts, it's what "I" have come across.

That being said-


Sometimes you can have TWO SEPARATE seedlings in a shell or MORE instead of conjoined stem--- Which is a separate offspring (not shared root system)... I think they recorded one seed having 4 separate seedlings before (many years back).


Now a days with all these chemicals & genetic tampering unusual possibilities are/may becoming commonplace... AND MANY PEOPLE are being USED in the experiment and have NO CLUE.



I'm sure there are corporate people (who have the deep breeder pockets) who are working with geneticist to create/research super, super marijuana strains.


Funny thing is--- They may create a plant with a "HIGH EVERYTHING & SUPER RESISTANT" to disease in it, and it may look very little like your "typical" pot plant.... OR maybe not?... It's really up to the human imagination.


The idea is very scary to some & very "New World Order" to many.


Although what history has proven with our humans race.... Many times over IS.... If we can imagine it.


It will be accomplished in some similar form.

So in conclusion, if people are beginning to have many twins, triplets, etc. in their grows. Well then, I wonder if some of the big names in the industry are doing some undisclosed "experimenting" on plant reproduction/potential AND on "US" the people who consume it. Which for the most part is unregulated in the cannabis field within it's research in the consumer market.


Most people would not conduct this undisclosed research... The key word is.... MOST.


I'm not pointing fingers, just putting a thought out there for your mental digestion.... Besides nature will do all these very unusual productions without human manipulation anyways.


Creation is the creator, perhaps it's imagination which is the "Creator"... Then why not have fun with IMAGINATION from time to time...? It's really how all life evolves and improves upon itself.




Should such organic conduct/research be controlled?


What's the human intelligence responsibility factor AND what's our "GOD" given role in religious text... If you believe in such things???


It's a very philosophical question for our times & beyond.... AND plants are a big part of it.


Enjoy- :skydive:

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Yep, that is rare... But it happens more often than more people would presume.


Have fun with it, & take pictures and try to notice subtle differences.


Seeds are full of wild potential's--- It's possible to have triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets...AND-- The higher up, the rarer of course.


Many theories as to why?.... I have even heard when a genetic is inbred for too long these results have been seen in the plant research kingdom.


It's still a puzzling question for many researchers--- As with those preceding thoughts, it's what "I" have come across.

That being said-


Sometimes you can have TWO SEPARATE seedlings in a shell or MORE instead of conjoined stem--- Which is a separate offspring (not shared root system)... I think they recorded one seed having 4 separate seedlings before (many years back).


Now a days with all these chemicals & genetic tampering unusual possibilities are/may becoming commonplace... AND MANY PEOPLE are being USED in the experiment and have NO CLUE.



I'm sure there are corporate people (who have the deep breeder pockets) who are working with geneticist to create/research super, super marijuana strains.


Funny thing is--- They may create a plant with a "HIGH EVERYTHING & SUPER RESISTANT" to disease in it, and it may look very little like your "typical" pot plant.... OR maybe not?... It's really up to the human imagination.


The idea is very scary to some & very "New World Order" to many.


Although what history has proven with our humans race.... Many times over IS.... If we can imagine it.


It will be accomplished in some similar form.

So in conclusion, if people are beginning to have many twins, triplets, etc. in their grows. Well then, I wonder if some of the big names in the industry are doing some undisclosed "experimenting" on plant reproduction/potential AND on "US" the people who consume it. Which for the most part is unregulated in the cannabis field within it's research in the consumer market.


Most people would not conduct this undisclosed research... The key word is.... MOST.


I'm not pointing fingers, just putting a thought out there for your mental digestion.... Besides nature will do all these very unusual productions without human manipulation anyways.


Creation is the creator, perhaps it's imagination which is the "Creator"... Then why not have fun with IMAGINATION from time to time...? It's really how all life evolves and improves upon itself.




Should such organic conduct/research be controlled?


What's the human intelligence responsibility factor AND what's our "GOD" given role in religious text... If you believe in such things???


It's a very philosophical question for our times & beyond.... AND plants are a big part of it.


Enjoy- :skydive:

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