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Writing For Our Community


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When we write, our spelling and grammar say a lot about who we are, especially when writing to our reps, other officials, and businesses. In online forums, chat rooms and such, it's not as important, though it can cause confusion, especially with words that sound alike but are spelled differently. Spell checkers only see misspelling, not grammar. I'm not as knowledgeable on punctuation, or grammar, as in knowing when to use "who" or 'whom," so I hope someone chimes in with some guidelines there. Most of my bad spelling is typos I miss, though the spell-checker may've caught it but I somehow missed seeing. Occasionally I'll spell a word it doesn't like, not a bad word, just my way of spelling, which I could add to the dictionary but haven't bothered. Usually it's a hyphenated or 2 separate words; I've seen the word written without it. like "eachother". I've seen both words put together, though my spell-checker doesn't accept it. Many times, I think I hit the space bar but then see I've run 2 words together unintentionally. Contractions like "may've" for"may have" may get redlined, too.


I love some of the creative spellings we use online, those are fun for informal messaging. There's an interesting list of abbreviations for what we call texting, used as shorthand for cellphones, though many originated on the net.


Here we may also share our letters. Though we have specific discussions where we post correspondence with our reps, we need a place to share other types of letters concerning our community. Newspapers and various groups claiming to represent us, for example can be shared here.


Knowing the best way to express ourselves that will show respect and conciseness is hard when we're expressing concern, anger, or any emotion. The littlest details we overlook will be noticeable to our readers. I'm not perfect on any of this, though I'm a fairly good speller. I just want to see our community in the most positive light we can show. We can still have fun with our words when we're just chatting with eachother..


It's helpful to share a letter with others before sending them, though that's not a requirement. I'm compiling a word list to submit for anyone to use and add to, as well as a letter I wrote to ASA, who have been very unresponsive to me and at least one other site member.


We have a great wealth of choices in the words we choose; many can make for some hilarious puns. I'd love to see those in my chit-chat lounge!


I hope this thread is helpful to someone.


Sincerely, Sb

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MAJOR EDIT: OK, this has taken me a few hours to write, because I used my own descriptions. I don't know how the code got out either.This is the list of most commonly misspelled and misused words I see here and on other sites. This is intended only to help improve communication, especially when writing letters. I tried using them in example sentences, especially where I couldn't clearly explain a word's meaning. Seeing examples of how words are used helps the reader., it also helps us remember it's proper usage. I might've been a good teacher but we all teach in our own way.


paid: making payment, "I get paid, I got paid, I will be paid." (not payed)


Their, there, they're: Their means multiple ownership. "They planted their seeds over there in that location, direction. There is my home, I want to be there now, but they're (they are) not done remodeling."


To, too, two: "I'm going to the store, too, I'm too tired to go anywhere else." "Too" is often used instead of "also", or used to mean "a lot." "I'm going also, I'm going, too, so please include me, but two drivers in one car is one driver too many."


Our and are, often sound alike but have totally different meanings. Our is possessive, belonging to us, (me and you, me and him; this is our community. Are is a verb, a form of "to be." "Are you going, yes we are, you are I are scheduled to be there." Many pronounce "our" to rhyme with "shower" or "flower," but when spoken quickly it would rhyme with "car" or "far."


Allow and aloud sound the same but are very different. Allowed is about permission, "We're allowed to have 2.5 ozs. Aloud is about increased volume, "I will speak aloud instead so you can hear me."


Pain and pane: Pain is what we feel when we're hurting, pane is is a description for particular object, "a pane of glass," may also be called a sheet of glass. or part of a window.


Laid, "The plan was laid out well." (Not layed). It's how something is set up, displayed, arranged, designed, put together.


Real and reel: real is reality, something that's true, reel is a physical object, though it may be a real thing. What's "real" is something our senses can detect. "That plant is a real beauty!"


Read and red: read can be pronounced like it rhymes with "need." It can also sound like the color red, but means past tense, I have read that before, it made my eyes red from crying.


Sale and sail. Sale is about selling, setting a price for a product or service; sail is on a boat, or a smooth ride, like, "I'll sail away."


Acts and ax or axe sound alike but are way different. Acts is about doing, or a declaration, provision, I think, like "the Acts in our law are very specific." Act is a behavior, as in, "Leo acts like we're all criminals, but I have an ax to grind (have a dispute) with someone," An ax is a tool. Some people pronounce these words similarly. I think axe and ax are the same, though I've seen axe used to mean, "a guitar."


I and eye sound the same. I is a person, eye is what people see with. "I got my eye examined."


In and inn, I'm in here, but I'll spend the night at an inn, my favorite hotel.


Wear, where, and ware: "I wear my hat sideways, but can't seem to locate it, where did it go?" Wear can be a kind of measurement to define deterioration, from something, to less of it, as in, "Grinding our teeth can wear them down to the gums." Ware refers to objects, like "silverware," or, "selling my wares."


Be and Bee: "To be or not to be, but don't get stung by a bee, (a tiny bug that stings)." The word "be is a frame of reference, like, "I am, therefore I think, I know I can be silly, I think, therefore I am and always will be."


Live: like read, has 2 pronunciations, and has 2 different meanings, "I live my life, it's great being alive; now I will sing live, in real time, not delayed, in a personal appearance, not a recording or remote location. Live can rhyme with "give," Live can rhyme with "jive."


Fair and fare sound the same, but fair is about justice, fare is a fee for transportation.


Night and Knight: "I sleep at night when it's dark, and dream about a medieval soldier who was a knight in shining armor."


Site, sight and cite: site is a location, sight is about vision. "Come visit my web site, if your eyesight is bad you can raise the font." Cite is making reference to a source of info.


Might and mite: might is about strength, ability, and power, mite is a bug. Might also means, maybe, like, "I might do it but I know plants get infested with pests called mites." Maybe a mite is a termite. "I will fight for our rights with all my might."


Lawyer and layer often get used wrong; lawyer is the attorney, layer is something on top, bottom, in between, or around another part of an object.


Buy, bye, and by: I'm going by there in that direction to buy seeds, after I purchase them I'll say good bye when I leave.


Wait and weight: (not wate) wait is when we don't take action, we take our time, not to hurry; weight is measurement of heaviness or lightness. "I'll give it time, will wait to see if my weight is lower."


Bare and bear sound the same, "I have nothing on my feet, all you see is skin, but I can't bear the pain, can't handle it, hey, watch out for a bear in the woods, they're huge animals who may think humans taste good."


HERE'S MORE: Accept and except: Accept is to receive, to take, tolerate, concede, or admit to; except is a condition of not including, to leave out, not want, "I accept your apology, except for one thing I disagree with." "I accept responsibility for my actions."


For, fore, and four all sound alike, For is about purpose, "The flyer is for (about) the rally." Fore is something that precedes (I hope I got the right word) as in "fore front" at the beginning of, I think. Four is a number.


Know and no: Know is knowledge, what we learn, what we believe, an affirmation, something we're sure of, no is a rejection. "I know I'm right and I say no to your proposal."


Of and Off often get interchanged. Of is used like, "I know of a way," but off is a condition, state of being, "Get off, get away from here," or, "The light is off in the room."


Way and weigh: Way is a direction or showing distance, "I am a long way (far) from you, but I will weigh my options," Weigh is measurement, weight is the result.


Made and maid: Made is usually a past tense of make, "The judge made his decision." Maid is a cleaning lady at a hotel, or a hired servant. It also means a young lady who's not married and may also imply other things.


Then and than: Then refers to time, than is a comparison. "When our law changes, then I'll know what to do, but for now, it's better than nothing."


Blew and blue: Blew is the past tense of blow, forcing air outwards., or messing up something, "I really blew it that time, but I'm not gonna be blue (down) about it and turn blue in the cold."


Sole and soul: sole is singular, as in, one. "I'm the sole survivor, the one and only. Soul is a metaphysical concept which is very hard to describe, but most people believe everyone has one, often using "spirit" and soul interchangeably, but in many metaphysical discussions, are defined differently, though neither can be sensed with physical attributes. It's not something anyone can touch or see, taste, smell or hear, I won't get into related concepts like, "I feel your spirit."


High and hi: high is an upward direction or of feeling, joy or intoxication, hi is a greeting.


Do, due and dew: Do is an action, "I do that every day," but due is about something expected, a deadline, when time is up. "My bill was past due, I didn't pay it in by the date it was supposed to be there." Dew is wet.


Steal and steel: Steal, to take, rob, steel, a hard metal.<br><br>Die and dye: Die is death, not being alive, dye is to change a color.


Roll and role: Roll is movement, a ball can roll, go from one place to another, role is a part, position, "My role here is a community volunteer."


Son and sun: Son is what a male person is to a parent, sun is the big, bright light in the sky.


Male and mail: Male is a gender distinction, mail is what we do when we send a letter, it's also what we read and write.


See and sea: See is vision, sight, understanding. "I can see your point." Sea is the ocean.


Course and coarse: Course can be a subject to learn, or a place, or direction, "a course of action, a specified direction, maybe a plan; coarse is when an object feels rough.


Seen and scene: Seen is past tense of saw, "I have seen that mentioned in the law," Scene is something like what we look at, or an event, a situation, "I've familiar with that scene."


Tale and tail: Tale is a story, often believed to be false, but not always, "The victim told a tale of woe to the jury." Tail is an extension, a part of an animal or object, at the end, "the tail end of this story, the animal chased his tail.


Pale and pail: Pale is a color, pail is a bucket.


Root and route: Root is at the beginning or bottom, plants have roots underground. Route is a direction, a planned course, It also gets pronounced like it'd rhyme with out.


Hoarse and horse: Hoarse is when someone's voice sounds scratchy or rough, horse is an animal.


Train has 2 meanings: to teach, to learn, to get in the habit of doing, "I can train myself to sing on key." And the other train is the one we can ride.


Close has 2 pronunciations and different meanings: To shut, confine, opposite of open, may rhyme with hose and close, a direction of nearness, "I'm close to finishing this thread, I hope." This close may rhyme with "dose". In one, the "o" is longer and the word is drawn out, "close the door." The other, it's spoken faster.


Wave and waive: Wave can be a motion with our hands and arms, or water that rises up from an ocean, waive is a legal term meaning to give up, "I do not waive my right to be searched." I think I got that correct.


Deer and dear: Deer is an animal, dear is a greeting in a letter of an expression of affection/endearment.


Sell and cell: Sell is an offering in exchange for money, cell is a jail, a cell is also a term in biology. If you're in jail you also have bail, a payment to get out, not bale, something completely different.


Right, rite and write sound the same: Right is a direction, or to be correct. Rite is a ritual, event, celebration. Write is putting something down on paper, making a mark or symbol on it, typing, texting, etc.


Cane has 2 meanings but sound the same. A cane helps people stand and walk, the other is a kind of sugar.


Other confusing words include,

seal, cite, light and lite, night and nite, lie and lye, but and butt (azz), road and rode, whole and hole, not and knot, loose and lose.


This list may be long enough for now. 'm on a roll, so butter me up! LOL! I don't know how much longer it can go! OK should I stop now?


If anyone can add to this or needs to correct me on anything, please go for it. Thanks!<br><br>I'LL BE EDITING THIS OFTEN SO PEEK BACK FOR MORE WORDS.



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Hi again, here's a letter I wrote to ASA (Americans for Safe Access) after I tried filtering them out of my e-mail and they slipped through. I've tried corresponding with them, with no success. Although their letter was about a MI event, I'm still unhappy with them. They're based in CA I think, and I believe they may be trying help to get dispensaries in our state, though I told them many of us don't want them here. I don't speak for everyone, I know some feel differently.


From: Steph Sherer, Americans for Safe Access <info@safeaccessnow.org>

Subject: Will I be seeing you in Detroit next weekend?

Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011, 6:00 AM


Dear _____


I'm really hoping to get to meet you next weekend, February 19 and 20, at the ASA Activist Boot Camp National Conference in Detroit. Have you registered yet?


All across the country, medical cannabis advocates are coming together to develop skills and create a shared vision for medical marijuana policy at the local level. And I plan to be on the ground with you.


For every five people to register for your local Boot Camp by Friday, February 11th, at 12:00 pm NOON PST, your group will be registered for a drawing to have me personally facilitate YOUR local training.


I can't wait to work with you, on the ground, creating meaningful change in your community. I hope you will be a part of this tremendous experience and go to our website to get registered NOW!


Also, don't forget to spread the word to your friends - join our Facebook event for Detroit and forward this email to your friends!


Or, if you know someone in the Upper Peninsula, there will be an event held in Gulliver, too!


In solidarity,


Steph Sherer

Executive Director

Americans for Safe Access


I'm fairly certain this is just a form letter, coincidentally they'll be in MI. Here's my response, I sent it immediately. There was nothing about my concerns, just a general message. I have a copy of the first letter I wrote, it's also in another section of the site.


Nope, I won't be there and you know why. If you truly stand in solidarity, you'd help us fight for Patients' and Caregivers RIGHTS above all else. If you're for dispensaries, you're not for me or for many in the Medical marijuana Community; you have not addressed the concerns of the PATIENTS and CAREGIVERS, which is WHAT MI LAW INTENDED, NOT DISPENSARIES. I ASKED YOU TO STOP WRITING ME BECAUSE YOU DID NOT REPLY TO MY CONCERNS, you're NOT LISTENING. You make me sorry I ever got interested in this issue! I've seen messages from others, expressing their dissatisfaction with ASA. PATIENTS' RIGHTS COME FIRST! Our AG is at war with us, I wrote to you about this around election time. You gave me no response, yet were happy for your own victory. Come next election, the man you defeated may come back at you with a vengeance, just as Bill Schutte did to us in Michigan. Thanks a lot for your support and solidarity!

Sincerely, _____




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Hi again all, I did a major rewrite on the big long list, it got messed up, I made some changes, too... I'm glad to see people are reading this. Here's more, that thread got so long I think in editing it the program got confused. I'm having fun!


Seal: has 2 meanings, to close tightly, or a definite outcome. "He sealed his fate, there's no turning back. Seal is also an aquatic animal.


Light and lite: Lite may not be an official spelling, though it can mean having less weight. Light is illumination;

Night and nite: Nite may be an unofficial spelling, too, it's a shortcut way to spell night; Bright and brite may be in the same situation, meaning, brite is not an official spelling for bright.


Lie and lye: Lie has 2 meanings; to tell a fib, an untruth, or a position, to lay down, to be on top of or spread out. Lye is a nasty chemical. Many of these words change spelling when the tense changes, so instead of saying lieing, it's lying, die is dying, tie is tying, for example. A good spelling dictionary can be very helpful.


But and butt: But is like "however." There's a change in thought; a contradiction, "I'll do it but I'd rather not." Butt is our backside or azz, you know, that round thing that keeps following us wherever we go that we can't get rid of!


Road and rode: Road is a predefined path, "I will not go down that road again!" Rode is the past tense of ride. "I rode my bike to work."


Whole and hole: Whole is complete, nothing missing, hole is an opening. "I saw the whole (entire) thing, officer, he put a hole in the wall."


Not and knot: Not is like no, a negative indicator. "No! I will not go there!" Knot is tying something to hold it in place, causing a bump in the object, that keeps it from loosening.


Loose and lose: Loose is something that isn't tight, it rhymes with moose and is spoken slower than lose. Lose is when something's missing, misplaced, it can rhyme with choose. "I choose to lose the extra weight".


Sore and soar: Sore is how we feel when we're in pain, hurting, physically or feel anger. "I'm real sore at that senator; I'm achy and sore but I will soar to victory when we win because soar means to be raised up, to go higher, to fly, perhaps even to rise above.


Patient and Patience sound similar and are related. "I am a patient because I have an illness, I know many other patients, too, I try to be patient when I'm anxious, some things can't be rushed". Patience is part of being tolerant. It requires having patience, it's knowing things will work out. You want your plant to grow fast, but you have to be patient and wait till it's mature. Patience seems to also mean being calm, understanding. "If you make me mad, you'll be trying my patience."


Principle and Principal sound alike. Principle means rule of conduct, or action, it seems to imply a first, or main idea, "My principle loyalty is to natural health and healing" But principal is a chief, or head of an organization, usually a school; it's also a term in banking. "I'm the principal of a school of one- me, so I'm also the student, who holds a strong principle of an ideal I hold dear, to always do my best."


Seem and Seam sound alike: "This appears to be, looks like, seems to be in order, so it's very likely true; an assumption, perhaps." Seam is a line that's formed when 2 pieces of fabric are sewn together.


Your and You're: Your is possessive, "Your card makes you legal; now you're protected by our law." You're means "you are, just as "they're" means "They are."


Peace and Piece sound alike, but Peace is a calm, serene feeling, it's the opposite of war, but piece means, a part of something, "I want my share, I will do my part, say my piece, making war does not bring peace."


Pray and Prey sound alike: Pray is what people do in religious and spiritual conversation with a divine being, spirit guide, guardian angel, and God. To prey on someone is to pick on them, like what's happening to our community, someone stronger sees someone weaker and attacks them.


Ate and eight sound the same, Ate is past tense of to eat or eaten did eat, eight is a number.





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Hi again, here's a letter I wrote to ASA (Americans for Safe Access) after I tried filtering them out of my e-mail and they slipped through. I've tried corresponding with them, with no success. Although their letter was about a MI event, I'm still unhappy with them. They're based in CA I think, and I believe they may be trying help to get dispensaries in our state, though I told them many of us don't want them here. I don't speak for everyone, I know some feel differently.


From: Steph Sherer, Americans for Safe Access <info@safeaccessnow.org>

Subject: Will I be seeing you in Detroit next weekend?

Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011, 6:00 AM


Dear _____


I'm really hoping to get to meet you next weekend, February 19 and 20, at the ASA Activist Boot Camp National Conference in Detroit. Have you registered yet?


All across the country, medical cannabis advocates are coming together to develop skills and create a shared vision for medical marijuana policy at the local level. And I plan to be on the ground with you.


For every five people to register for your local Boot Camp by Friday, February 11th, at 12:00 pm NOON PST, your group will be registered for a drawing to have me personally facilitate YOUR local training.


I can't wait to work with you, on the ground, creating meaningful change in your community. I hope you will be a part of this tremendous experience and go to our website to get registered NOW!


Also, don't forget to spread the word to your friends - join our Facebook event for Detroit and forward this email to your friends!


Or, if you know someone in the Upper Peninsula, there will be an event held in Gulliver, too!


In solidarity,


Steph Sherer

Executive Director

Americans for Safe Access


I'm fairly certain this is just a form letter, coincidentally they'll be in MI. Here's my response, I sent it immediately. There was nothing about my concerns, just a general message. I have a copy of the first letter I wrote, it's also in another section of the site.


Nope, I won't be there and you know why. If you truly stand in solidarity, you'd help us fight for Patients' and Caregivers RIGHTS above all else. If you're for dispensaries, you're not for me or for many in the Medical marijuana Community; you have not addressed the concerns of the PATIENTS and CAREGIVERS, which is WHAT MI LAW INTENDED, NOT DISPENSARIES. I ASKED YOU TO STOP WRITING ME BECAUSE YOU DID NOT REPLY TO MY CONCERNS, you're NOT LISTENING. You make me sorry I ever got interested in this issue! I've seen messages from others, expressing their dissatisfaction with ASA. PATIENTS' RIGHTS COME FIRST! Our AG is at war with us, I wrote to you about this around election time. You gave me no response, yet were happy for your own victory. Come next election, the man you defeated may come back at you with a vengeance, just as Bill Schutte did to us in Michigan. Thanks a lot for your support and solidarity!

Sincerely, _____





Sb have you hit the unsubscribe link in their e mails? if you have it'll take ten days or so for them to stop but if they don't stop file a complaint with the FCC, your ISP, and their national office.

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I got a reply from ASA! It was a one liner, something like, "I'm sorry you're unhappy with ASA, I will remove you from our mailing list." (I don't know how I got ON that list in the first place!)


They're as bad as politicians- UNRESPONSIVE, only caring about their agenda! OK they may be doing good work, BUT DON'T THEY CARE HOW PEOPLE FEEL????


HERE'S TO YOU ASA!:thumbsd: :jipo: :growl:


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Hi everyone, please remember to peek at this thread sometimes. While it's nice having a program to guide us and and fix our mistakes, it's also good to know the ideas behind the spelling and grammar, just like having a calculator, we first learn how to do basic math and learn why those concepts apply. If we don't have a calculator or word correction program handy, we need to remember as much as we can so we're not so dependent on them that we're totally lost without them.


Sincerely, Sb

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  • 1 month later...

As we prepare once again to write more letters, please remember to check your spelling and grammar. We need to show our best side when writing them, even though many do not treat us with respect. We have to do our best to earn it, which may or may not happen, but it may help when they see we are very capable of expressing ourselves and our concerns in a polite, factual, and respectful manner.


Good luck with your letters.


I'm sorry this thread has not been active, though I know many have read it. That makes me feel good to know it's helped someone. I put many hours into the project, pooured my heart into it and had fun with it, too.


Sincerely, Sb :wub:

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wow SB, thats alot of work and Typing, AND THANK YOU for the thread. I tend to make alot of fatfinger (high finger) mistakes, and don't take alot of time to correct. though, punctuation is very needed to be able to comprehend what some folks mean when they make a post.


or sometimes its really hard to figure out where one sentance stops and one begins this is because no periods comas semicolons colons are used so one can determin how the sentance should properly read.



Now again with punctuation.



Or, sometimes it's really hard to figure out where one sentance stops. And one begines. This is because no periods, comas, semicolons, colons, are used so one can determin how the sentnce should proplery read.



now this was a short 3 line paragraph, imagain if you had a 15 sentance paragraph wihtout any punctuation. It would most likely be file 13'd, regardless of how good the paragraphs intent was. If it cant be read, it wont be understood.




now indenting. when starting a paragraph, you are supposed to TAB over 1 position like thus:


Start a paragraph like this, with a space between the left edge and the first word of 5 blank spaces.



Oppossed to starting a paragraph like this, which is tight to the left side. the paragraph keeps groups of sentneces, associated to eachother, seperate from the prior, or following paragraph.




Signature of Names.


when siging off/out of a letter, especially one that is of importance, a proper sing off (dont recall the term besides Signature) is very important. Typically a Straight forward signature is as follows:







Timothy L. Locke

O/O- Michigan Wireing Services.



then you hand sing your signature between; Sincerely, and your Typed name 4 lines lower.

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Timmahh, hi, thanks for your post! You have some good points there.


Punctuation is so important, I know, around here it's not used well and it's hard for me to understand some sentences, too. I'm no expert at any of this but I know a few things. I'm always glad to see someone point out a need that's important, especially when writing to our reps. I mainly started this thread because I see so many write the wrong word, like are and our, there and their, those can really be confusing. It was a fun project.


Sb :)

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