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Did I Get Banned?

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I can only access my account through the internet using my droid. When I turn my phone on wifi I cannot connect. Did my ip address get banned or something? If so what could I have possibly done to deserve that? I have never been nothing but helpful and have never bashed another person on the site .


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I can only access my account through the internet using my droid. When I turn my phone on wifi I cannot connect. Did my ip address get banned or something? If so what could I have possibly done to deserve that? I have never been nothing but helpful and have never bashed another person on the site .


Somethin's strange, you're showing only 1 post.

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

Ok I'm a little confused with no notes being left on the account but Joe did ban all the IP's, but then I see through the logs he unbanned the account but apparently forgot to unban the ip's. It might of been a mistake that Joe did, caught, then unbanned but forgot to change the IP filter as well as the account.


The only thing I can do is unban the IP's associate with the account since I know for sure Joe attempted to "un-ban" you and that account isn't banned right now.


Hopefully he'll weigh in and clarify anything else. May want to message him as well.



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