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Obama Got Osama

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Took Bush boy 8 years of dragging his feet...this president has accomplished more in three years than any standing president since FDR


People talk about his stance on medical marijuana being contradictory to statements he made before the presidential election


IMHO we would be facing much greater foes of our movement had we elected McCain or another fellow republican


We do not want another failed war on drugs and by the actions of our elected republicans here in the state of MI it is obvious that they stand against our movement and the people that medical cannabis helps


Regardless of political affiliation today is a day to be a proud American


God Bless the USA

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Thank you President Bush for using water-boarding and other inhumane interrogation methods on the Muslim terrorist gentlemen and extracting the name of the courier.


Thank you to our intelligence department for tracking down the courier over the 7 years.


Thank you President Obama for having the balls to carry out the mission without informing Pakistan or the UN.

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"Thank you President Obama for having the balls to carry out the mission without informing Pakistan or the UN. "


Thats about the only role Obama had in all of this. Obama didnt catch Osama. Bush did.


Last time I checked, around 05, gas prices were $2.?? per gallon. We're looking at a $5 summer and everyone thinks Obama is a god.



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who's running? and quit saying Trump and Palin and Ginrich.....


Ron Paul??


2 days ... Ron Paul Money Bomb on the day of the first debate. I've pledged, and I'm sure this year will break his last record of $6 million raised in 1 day.


If he runs, he's got my vote.

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"EXTRA"..New Concept.In Gov...A President that "GET'S DONE,.. WHAT HE SAID HE SAID HE WOULD"...Many Americn's need History."101"...Special Op's I am speechless!!...As I Will in my lifetime never, know who you were!!...Bless you And Your Family!!.... :goodjob: ... :goodjob:

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