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Possible Future President Gingrich Suggests We Execute Marijuana Dealers | Dallas / Ft. Worth Norm

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Newt is a carreer politician and carreer politicans are what got us to where we are!!!!

If someone has been in or held public office for more than 8 years! VOTE THEM OUT REGUARDLESS OF PARTY AFFIELATION!



Stand UP MICHIGAN!!!!!!!

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Guest Happy Guy

Republicans Drive Obama's Approval Rally


Gallup Daily tracking finds that Obama's approval rally has occurred most sharply among Republicans, which may be why it has not transferred to an increase in voter support for Obama in 2012 against an unnamed Republican.


Republicans' approval of Obama has more than doubled since bin Laden's death, rising to 21% the week of May 2-8 from 10% April 25-May 1. His approval rating rose less among independents, to 47% from 40%, and -- remarkably -- changed little among Democrats


Welcome back into the fold. Landslide for Obama in 2012. You guys never really were in the right place. Your fellow 'richer' Republicans ate your lunch. Greed doesn't hide very well. The rich got richer and the rest are waking up!

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Guest Happy Guy

happy guy I support Johnson 2012,however if someone like newt is running your right we will be stuck with the community organizer for another miserable 4 years.........

I like what Johnson has to say too. But I will be voting for a candidate that, in my opinion, can beat the Republican candidate. I believe the major threat to medical cannabis is the Kuiper types, and they are Rebublicans. I will definitely not further them in their plans to make patients slaves to their dispensaries.

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I like what Johnson has to say too. But I will be voting for a candidate that, in my opinion, can beat the Republican candidate. I believe the major threat to medical cannabis is the Kuiper types, and they are Rebublicans. I will definitely not further them in their plans to make patients slaves to their dispensaries.

I agree with you Happy Guy but both parties have failed us miserably in the past is there a politician or political party out there that we can really trust. If so I am still waiting to see one in my life time
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Guest Happy Guy

and BO has helped us how??? Johnson 2012

In reality, you would have to compare what he has done with what the alternative would have done. I'm sure you can imagine what McCain would have done. Much like Newt's quote, he would probably be executing anyone he sees fit. You may be dead by now with McCain. He wouldn't have accepted medical marihuana, you would just be a drug dealer and dead.

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