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Acetaldehyde In Cannabis: Smoking Vs Vaping

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Not familiar with any studies of acetaldehyde and cannabis... Have any more info, Dr Jinx ?


My guess, Vaping is safer ! Better ! more economical ...


Hi Solabeirtan !!!!


It appears to be there.

Here is what I found in ONE study:


"The Blue Meanie produced ammonia (NH3) at a mean of 205 ppm from street cannabis, compared with 4 ppm from NIDA cannabis; methanol at 212 ppm for street cannabis, compared to 73.8 for NIDA cannabis; acetaldehyde at 24.5 ppm for street cannabis, compared with 36.8 from NIDA cannabis. The Volcano® produced ammonia at 60 ppm for street cannabis and 4.3 ppm for NIDA cannabis; methanol at 4.6 ppm for street cannabis and 13.8 ppm for NIDA cannabis.......".




I hope you are right re the vaping...but I want to find a study which actually reports that.


Dr. Jinx


PS: Here is the resulting page from my Google Scan:



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