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Reason For Rally

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the question was brought up at the last CC meeting in Holland ,is the rally in protest to a proposed senate bill limiting/outlawing MJ Bars and Private Meeting places or as a general rally about abuses against MJ patients...i've been out of touch the last couple of months and need a little clarification as to what we're doing please..thanks..zb

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hey ZB good to see ya the other night-as far as i can read and talking with BB the reason is...' the general abuses and the powers at hand wanting to do what they have done in Montana to their bill and preventing that from happening in MI-standing together united as patients , Caregivers and compassion club/ dispensary owners- i am sure BB or PB or Komorn can answer you-see ya Wednesday

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well i guess if you can't find something in there to protest,your heart isn't in it anyway...lol.to stop the abuse of the patients right to grow for themself and or their rights to a CG and a CGs rights should be our principle goal .i just have an uneasy feeling about this alliance...i've been seeing way to much of the bottom of the bus lately ,if you know what i mean.. zb/budpuffer

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