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Obama Administration Slams Medical Marijuana

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The Obama administration's newly released drug control strategy slams states that have legalized medical marijuana, arguing that smoking any drug is unsafe--and that marijuana's medical benefits have yet to be evaluated by the FDA.


"While there may be medical value for some of the individual components of the cannabis plant, the fact remains that smoking marijuana is an inefficient and harmful method for delivering the constituent elements that have or may have medicinal value," the White House's National Drug Control Strategy for 2011 says.


The strongly anti-marijuana report comes on the heels of the Justice Department's decision against reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug. As The Los Angeles Times reports, the government took nine years to respond to marijuana advocates' request that they take into account studies that show marijuana has medical benefits and reclassify the drug. At the end of its review, the Justice Department held firm to its earlier decision that marijuana should be classified alongside other dangerous drugs such as heroin. The Americans for Safe Access group is now appealing the decision in federal court, the paper says.




It's unclear what the consequences will be for people involved in the medical marijuana business in the 16 states (and Washington, D.C.) that currently allow it. The report states unequivocally that "outside the context of Federally approved research, the use and distribution of marijuana is prohibited in the United States," and the Justice Department recently suggested in a memo that state-approved marijuana dispensaries and growers could face prosecution.


The report also made a detailed case against legalization or decriminalization of marijuana, an idea that has won the endorsement of a group of ex-global leaders who called the war on drugs a "failure." The report says that while tobacco and alcohol are legalized and taxed, neither provide a "net economic benefit to society," due to health-care expenses and various criminal justice costs, such as drunken driving arrests.


Neil Franklin, the director of a pro-legalization group of former police and other law-enforcement agents called Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, said in a statement that the anti-marijuana tone of the administration is disappointing.


"It's sad that the drug czar decided to insert a multi-page rant against legalizing and regulating drugs into the National Drug Control Strategy instead of actually doing his job and shifting limited resources to combat the public health problem of drug abuse," Franklin said.


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Let's send mr obama our feelings on the FLIP-FLOP he's done! He has LOST our vote! I will GLADLY tell him! My life has NOT improved since he got in. Waffles, anyone???? Or as Bb would say, "let's send him some love." 'LOL' :growl: GRRRRRRR!! Let's INFORM hm that NOT EVERYONE SMOKES IT!! It's time for some EDUCATION! Class is now in session!!




Dear Mr. President,


I am very disappointed in your reversal of position on medical marijuana. I voted for you, I also voted for medical marijuana, because I know it does have value as a medicine, I know people who's lives have improved because of it. One fact you are not aware of, sir, is that many people do not smoke it. There are other ways of ingesting it, besides smoking. Cannabis has been around for centuries and is very well documented in its medicinal properties. Instead of simply echoing the same worn out statements of years past, please consider the will of the people, a vast majority have stated they believe marijuana is a viable medicine. These same people are the ones who helped put you in office. Marijuana is far less dangerous than other substances which are legal, and it has never killed anyone. The facts are there for anyone to see. There are thousands of positive testimonials from patients and those who care for them, about the improved quality of life they have since using this medicine. The war on drugs costs more damage to peoples' lives and has not decreased supply or demand. Marijuana, the least dangerous of all the other drugs, is not addictive. The facts speak for themselves; too bad you're unwilling to see and acknowledge them. It seems to me the only way you'll admit any part of the Cannabis plant has any value, is for giving it to the pharmaceutical companies. As you may know, all medicines they make have some side affects, many are extremely dangerous. People have even complained about their Marinol drug.


It seems obvious to me you are ignoring the will of the people, many of whom elected you to office. Your stance on this issue, among others, will lose you any hope for a second term.


Sincerely, _____


Side comment: GOTCHA, ya two-faced lying flip-flopper! Oh how I'd LOVE to have the courage to say that but I said it in a more diplomatic way, right?



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Guest Happy Guy

"While there may be medical value for some of the individual components of the cannabis plant, the fact remains that smoking marijuana is an inefficient and harmful method for delivering the constituent elements that have or may have medicinal value," the White House's National Drug Control Strategy for 2011 says.

Looks like they are vaping and medible advocates, opposed to smoking because it is inefficient and harmful to some patients. I have heard this opinion from a few doctors. Some will recommend cannabis but write 'No Smoking' on the rec. Pretty hard to argue against it. But should they be able to stop a patients's choice to smoke it and make them buy a vaporizer? They do not with cigarettes but no one is saying smoking a butt is medical either. Either way, with this stance, at least vaping is looked on as positive and medical.

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