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Trouble Getting Card, What Should I Do?

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Hi, I am having a little issue getting my medical marijuana card. I have had constant chronic pain for at least 13 years in my knees and lower back. I also have not had any health insurance for the past 9 years so I have zero medical records because I can not afford to go to a doctor. Also I am not into taking pain killers such as vicodin for my issues so I never have seen a reason in going to a doctor. I am in the Lansing area and have called a couple different places to see what my options are and without up to date medical records it sounds as if I will not have much of a chance in getting approved. Has anyone else ran into this, and what do you recommend I do? Also, do you know of any doctors in my area that will prescribe MM without medical records indicating chronic pain? I know MM would help me greatly with my issues and hope some one can help me out with some information. Thanks

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We have members of the Michigan senate attacking the doctor patient relationship part of our law so its imperative to get a medical history documenting your pain because i have no idea what would happen if a doctor running a certification mill is arrested what then happens to all the patients they certified without records. :unsure:

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Hi, I am having a little issue getting my medical marijuana card. I have had constant chronic pain for at least 13 years in my knees and lower back. I also have not had any health insurance for the past 9 years so I have zero medical records because I can not afford to go to a doctor. Also I am not into taking pain killers such as vicodin for my issues so I never have seen a reason in going to a doctor. I am in the Lansing area and have called a couple different places to see what my options are and without up to date medical records it sounds as if I will not have much of a chance in getting approved. Has anyone else ran into this, and what do you recommend I do? Also, do you know of any doctors in my area that will prescribe MM without medical records indicating chronic pain? I know MM would help me greatly with my issues and hope some one can help me out with some information. Thanks



you might be able to find one. however, that would be against the law. and like Kingdiamond said if a doctor like that ever got caught it could be traced back to the patients as well.


as far as i know medical records are a MUST. you might have to find a way to buy the month to month insurance. it's kind of high, like $200-$400 a month or something, but at least they could cover those expensive tests you would need to have



good luck to you :)

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it is best to get a regular patient doc relationship i know you dont have insurance who does it so expensive unless you have full time employment but my doc charges me on what is call a sliding scale for folks that don't have insurance so maybe check into that otherwise you might have to just pay for the doctor visits sorry but with the attack on our law that is the only way i would go for your protection and the docs good luck in you search

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Derbyhoss, you are in the same situation so many in Michigan face: having a qualifying medical condition but lacking valid medical records a doctor need to evaluate your case. Still and all, you gotta have medical records to get your ID Card. You don't need insurance to go to a doctor. We all gotta pay somebody for medical care but for cost savings you may ask doctor offices to accept sliding-scale payment. If not available go to ready care clinics and report your true conditions which generates valid medical records. In the Lansing area ready care clinics charge around $75 a visit but it varies. ** To establish your pain condition as "chronic," generally there has to be at least 2 doctor visit records dated at least 90 days apart, be within the past 3 years, and show you currently have the pain condition.** Then you need to request copies of those records, receive them, and get them to your own doctor or a consulting physician to review them for compliance with our state law. At that point a doctor could sign a Certification for your mmj ID Card and both of you would be squeaky clean and would withstand Court scrutiny if you were ever challenged. That's important as some legislators and leo are trying to subvert the bona fide doctor-patient relationship to slow down or halt the rising number of patients becoming registered. Oh, and a doctor can sign a Certification but not "prescribe mmj" to you.

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