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Help! Why Isn't My G13 Needing Water?


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I have an attic flower room and a couple weeks ago when it was so hot, the room got too hot and some of my SLH and Blue Mystic hermied. Harvested them with lots and lots of seeds. My questions are, 1)What do I do with this seedy stuff?? It smells and smokes good, but there's a lot of seeds. 2) How do I keep this from happening again? Changed the light cycle in flowering to nighttime. 3)Now the G13 that was in the flower room hasn't been needing water for the past 3 days...?? Has it gone to seed production too??? Can the hermaphordite plant pollinate others that are in flowering?? I don't know what to do at this point. The G13 is 2 weeks out from harvest but I can move it to where I was vegging, since it's empty now, but I don't want to have a chance of pollinating the clones that are there now. HELP PLEASE!!!

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First, get your growing conditions under control. Air conditioning is a must have in your grow area if you have anything less than proven, solid, sturdy, quality, acclimated, genetics. CO2 will also help tremendously in hotter spaces. If you get your heat issues under control you can then run the other strains again, but personally I would trash them as they have already proven that they are not the most stable of genetics and will probably do the same thing again when you have another accident. Chalk those guy's, I mean girls up to a lesson learned, and get some more stable genetics in your possession.

The G13 more than likely was probably too early to pollinate fully if at all and will probably be fine if the calyx's aren't swelling more than they should be at this point in the cycle. The G13 is probably in shock from the sudden change in the light schedule with the combination of cooler temperatures, and doesn't need to uptake as much water right now. Watch her carefully now because that is pretty serious stress abruptly changing the light schedule.

As to your seedy medicine. Pitch the seeds and use the rest as you normally would if it does the trick like you say. Just a little extra work. I'm sure it's not the first time you've had meds with seeds, and it's more than likely a lot better quality smoke.

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i would totally agree with Porc on this one. and i would add that the reason you need to do so, is that the plant is not 'transpiring'. at high temps/humidity levels, plants 'transpire' less. transpiration is the factory like processes that occur within the leaves, petioles, and on through the plant to convert light in to energy. adding the co2 and trying to lower/stabilize the numbers in the room both aid to transpiration.

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