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Ron Paul Views Of Marijuana


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This man my be crazy but this might be what we the people of the United States need! Here is an article on his support of the legalization of Marijuana. Stop speding billions of tax payers money on The War with Drugs! We the people deserve to have a presdient that will stick up for us!!!!!




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This man my be crazy but this might be what we the people of the United States need! Here is an article on his support of the legalization of Marijuana. Stop speding billions of tax payers money on The War with Drugs! We the people deserve to have a presdient that will stick up for us!!!!!





Just like last time, he seems to be the only rational choice.

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Welcome homall, nice post. Yea, good luck with that around here. Even if they admit he would protect their personal individual human rights they would rather vote for someone who is selling them out, poisoning them, and destroying them because of the party Mr. Paul has to try to run in. It is sad, absurd, strange, but very true. Keep trying though, maybe you can reach the masses. I have had no luck at all over the past couple of years. People just don not understand the concept of someone who will protect individual rights protects them for everyone, themselves included. Or, if they understand it on some level, they are convinced that Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are the best men running, just that their party sucks. Man, if people could just take the blinders off their one side we could really do something to protect our individual human rights this next election. Miracles can happen...blinders_on.jpgPoliticalpics364.jpgblinders.jpgeyeswideopen.jpgNewspaperLF.jpgIcanseeformiles.jpgawaken.jpgawaken.jpgAwaken.png

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Thank you for the warm welcome Bisharoo!


The dumbing down of America has definitely occurred. I believe that society may be able to wake up due to shows like Ancient Aliens and Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory, making it on airways for millions to view. As for Ron Paul, I am a member of a conspiracy theory website and there are many people with the same views. The pole in Iowa was nearly a tie between Bachman and Paul. American media plays a big role in dumbing down our society by simply airing what they want the public to know. Not major concerns like the nuclear problem over in Japan or even the fact that the United States is in a huge debt problem caused by wall street or the fact that we give Foreign Aid to CHINA.....China??? Of all places, they give aid to! I could go on and on with the way that this government is ran!


I am by nature a realist and hope that we can spread the word about Ron Paul, but I agree there is nothing you can do when you are a peon in society. Here’s to Hope :)

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