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Schuette's Suggested Changes

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Section 3\c - Why is BS so intent on wanting the grow site completely enlcosed? Is it to trip up CGs on a technicality, or is there actually some benefit?


Section 3\f - Since the COA re-engineering of the Act, why would he want to eliminate transfers from medical use?


Section 4\a - Throughout the markup, he inserts the word "valid" before "registry id card". Does this mean that (sham $100 LARA processing cost) renewals are currently unnecessary?

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Section 3\c - Why is BS so intent on wanting the grow site completely enlcosed? Is it to trip up CGs on a technicality, or is there actually some benefit?


Section 3\f - Since the COA re-engineering of the Act, why would he want to eliminate transfers from medical use?


Section 4\a - Throughout the markup, he inserts the word "valid" before "registry id card". Does this mean that (sham $100 LARA processing cost) renewals are currently unnecessary?

warrentless searches..no longer able to drive a automobile..i like how they put anyone with a felony cannot be a caregiver..before it was including drugs..so now if someone has a felony from 20 years ago non drug related and they dont have a care giver there immediately excluded from mm benefits ...lol..kinda funny my job im allowed to handle mutli milliondollar deals and access to personal records ss # banking info etc yet i cant be trusted to grow my own marijuana..lol...go figure

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