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Link To Sign The Petition For The Buffett Rule


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Understand, please, that the "Buffet" rule isn't about taxing the rich at the same rate as everyone else. That is the spin the media is putting on it all. The fact is that the rich are taxed based on the tax code. The tax code allows for a graduated income tax for earned income. The rich are taxed at a much higher rate depending on where their earned income falls in the scheme. The "Buffet" rule is about taxing stock dividends as earned income. That affects everyone who owns stock not just the rich. If you are married and jointly made $150,000/year then your dividends earned from stock will be added to that income number and therefore taxed at whatever bracket you fall into. So, instead of being taxed 15% (I believe the currrent tax on the dividends) you will instead be taxed at the tax rate in which you fall if you add the dividends to your earned income.


The way the media is portraying this is hugely misleading. The fact that Warren Buffet said he is taxed at a lower rate than his secretary is also misleading, if not a lie. He was referring to dividends and NOT his earned income. His secretary is taxed at the exact same rate for dividends as Buffet is but at a lower rate for earned income if Buffet draws a large salary.


I'm not saying dn't sign the petition I'm simply saying make an informed decision.

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