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My name is Nick, I live in Oakland county and have been a medical mariuana patient in Michigan a few months less than a year. I got my medical card last year- mainly for my chronic IBD but it helps with a lot of things, like anxiety and migraines. My IBD is terrible, it's similar to Chron's disease and I experience horrible nausea, stomach cramps and pain and diarrhea. Cannabis helps so much, a hit or two off the bong and my pain completely subsides and I feel that it's also been helping heal my stomach. I smoke about a gram a day and also eat edibles quite frequently.

I love indica dominant strains but sativa are great too, indica is much better for my stomach and anxiety.


I love reading, writing, and art. My favorite book is the Bhagavad Gita.


Part of the reason I joined is because of an issue I am having with my caregiver right now, which has put be in a bad situation without meds, I posted one ad in the general services sections and will try and post another with better information in a little while.

But I also joined to become part of this cool community and hopefully participate more in the medical marijuana scene in Michigan.

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