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About this blog

My thoughts and feelings on a day to day or weekly basis. I may throw in some poetry or short stories if I am feeling up to it.

Entries in this blog

The Pain Is So Real

My body is full of pain today. I can feel it from my head to my toes. Today is going to be one of those days where I just lay around and do nothing. Yesterday I cleaned and did laundry.. no cleaning today. It is raining right now so maybe that is why I am feeling this way, but my medicating is not helping so far. Next week 2 special people are coming into town for a bit and that should cheer me up.. but right now I am feeling very lonely. I had a dream last night that someone loved me so much an



We Are Two Similar Beings, You And I

We laugh and We Cry We love and We hate We miss and We long for the feelings so great. We think and We know We want and We crave We hope and We pray to be strong and be brave. We dream and We live We do and We try We are two similar beings You and I     By: Carmen Paszek



Die Alone

Here I sit on a Tuesday afternoon just returning from Physical Therapy.. My place is empty but I can hear the movement of the people upstairs. Most days I am pretty happy that I live here in my own place by myself, but some times I get really lonely. I have no friends here yet in Michigan and I just don't have the tools to go out there and find friends to get together with.. so this is why I come online. My parents think I am an idiot a lot because I meet a lot of my boyfriends or friends online



Live Together

Today is my first day blogging here and I have decided to do so because I have been feeling the need to get my thoughts and feelings out in the open more often. I really don't express myself the way I should and I think that is the major problem here. I live alone in a one bedroom apartment in Farmington Hills, MI, which is fine because I have a lot of family to fall back onto if I need help, but I am 30 years old and I should be doing this on my own. Maybe I am scared of sucess.. maybe I am afr





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