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I Am Scared To Go Out In Public On Public Lands

If you are a medical marijuana user you should be too. If you use any drug you should be.   Okay, the State is well beyond common sense these days and the continuity of laws are becoming intertwined and contradicting themselves.   Here is my story.   Last September i was diagnosed with cancer but had my card before that. I am a vet and with no job or any medical insurance marijuana becomes my medication by choice and economic reasons. We know how expensive medicine can be. After my surgery



We Need Everyone

Let's face it, we are in for the fight of our lives. It not only is with the Michigan Medical Marijuana Law but it also deals with the very thread of our constitutional fabric. If we allow and sit on the side then we will get what we deserve but not what we want. We have an opportunity at this time and that window will close if we do not take action as a whole.   Writing our state representatives and calling them will force them to address the concerns of their constituents. We have to take ac





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    • Business Development - Komorn Law can assist in spearheading clients through the complex process of the medical marijuana business with a solid legal foundation.


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