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About this blog

Few subjects within the creative world have inspired so many artists and developers as marijuana has. From your old high school trapper keeper, to the brands you see on the shelf. Marijuana inspires people from all walks and all directions.

As an artist/designer/brand developer, I'm always amazed at the number of visual styles you can see in a rec or medical shop. Any time I take on a brand or product design project from a medical/recreational/supplier group, I'm given way more creative license, and end up having way more fun! So let's have some fun, and check out some of the current brands out there.


Entries in this blog

Highlighter by Bloom Farms

This one is just exciting to look at! Highlighter was a project taken on by a San Fransisco based agency named Pavement. The overall goal was to completely change the game in the medical/rec industries, and have certainly set a new bar for packaging and presentation quality in the industry. If the goal is to make the product feel like a special treasure to be kept forever, they've certainly achieved it IMO!   Check out the article by Theresa Christine Johnson. Addresses



Pure Green

This is a brand put out by a group called Pure Green. I've yet to find the designer, but the work speaks for itself! Very clean, concise, and direct approach to packaging design. Has somewhat of a modern slant on the old apothecary labels you'd see in a local pharmacy. Don't necessarily agree with the centering of the upper logomark, but overall, a very recognizable and solid piece of design work.





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