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In my teens (25 years ago) I was diagnosed with "cluster headaches". I was just a kid, i didn't know what was going on. All I knew was there was a very good chance that I was going to take a melon-baller to scoop out the brain section behind my right eye. Imagine pain. Triple it. Multiply by the national debt and that was me. I was 15.


Doctor's visits were great. I'd arrive and half the room looked like a dark version of a Picasso painting because the pain altered my vision. My Mom would end up getting this brownish bottle with a white cap. Vicodin. It was the best. Made me puke and FANTASTIC! Now my lungs are on fire. They fed me veralan? I think that's what it was called. They tried different pain stuff. I did this oxygen therapy thing where I breathed in a misty fog. Sorry, I don't know if it had drugs. I didn't know where I was half the time let alone know what was going on. I was 16.


I don't remember (or wasn't present) when one of the doctors recommended morphine. Mom told me about that later on. I'll get to that.


Yeah....sorry guys. I sucked in school. Long division while tears are involuntarily falling down your face don't make for much of a couple. Yup, machismo kicked in too. Why was I so weak? Why did I allow this pain to control me? Didn't take long for that one to pass. You can't tough your way through some things....some times the things just win. When I was fine, I was GREAT! Life was like a big flower. Everything smelled of lavender and people were awesome. Things kinda get that way when you're pain-free yet you have the experiences of hell on earth. At a young age I learned how to appreciate the little things.


Everything changed when I was 18. The headaches grew lighter and my vision was no longer affected. Long division wasn't unbearable anymore. Actually, it was pretty easy. It got to the point where I enrolled in junior college and attained an associates degree. In a lot of ways I thanked what happened to me in the past. I could do that because I could function.....and function I did. I remember my Mom said "thank God" and thanking God is exactly what I did. I was 18.


So anywho, I guess I'll get back to the morphine thing. Mom told me the story when I was around 21. I was already on my own but a job offer was moving me two hours away. She told me the morphine story because she had to tell me a more important story. I have been ingesting marijuana for the past three years. She told me because she wouldn't be there to "give me a cookie" or "here have a brownie" anymore. She did that at the onset of a headache. She said it would "get your sugar up". Go ahead. Call me a fool. I guess I probably should have figured something out by that age but she was my Mom and my Mom loved me. You see, as she told me the story, she just couldn't bear the thought of giving me morphine. She did that to her Mom....when she was dying and refused to do it to me. I guess I should tell you my Mom was a straight-laced girl. "Pot" was never smoked or ever seen by me. I know my parents didn't smoke and she later told me they also didn't ingest. I believed her. She told me she did this because she was desperate. Now that I'm a parent I know what she meant. She told me because I would now have to make a choice for myself. I was 21.


I didn't know what she made or how she made it. She wouldn't tell me. I thank her for that.


I was in my apartment when my old buddy came back. I writhed my way through a night and called a Dr. on my HMO list the next day. I went to see him and explained my history. Well, I explained everything except my crazy drug dealing mother who secretly drugged her son. He gave me hydrocodone. You can guess what happened. I was 22.


What's an ounce? I don't know. I know it's 1/16th of a pound, right? I was such a square. My first 'purchase' was from a friend of a friend. I tried to look cool. I tried to act like I knew what I was doing. I didn't.


The friend was kind enough to "roll me one". I put it in my glasses case. I got in my car and headed back to my apartment. I was terrified.


The next one came on after about a month. Does this stuff have like an expiration date? I didn't know. I didn't care. I reached into the cabinet above the fridge and grabbed it. I have been using marijuana ever since.


Well....that's my story. I'm now 41 and I've been "growing my own weed" for about ten years. Scary? Absolutely. Every time I see a police car my heart sinks. I have a wife and a job and two kids. I have a house and two dogs and I help my old neighbors by cutting their lawn. I'm just a regular joe who, I guess, is a felon just waiting to get caught.


I was very hesitant about this new law. How is this going to work? I tell the state I grow weed and then the feds bash down my door and take my kids? The whole idea freaked me out. They say marijuana makes you paranoid. Well, it does. Try treating clusters with marijuana grown illegally in your attic and do it without being paranoid. Impossible. So I chose to not participate. When my head turns into a flaming ball of sulfer I smoke. I smoke what I grow. I don't need the government forcing me back to vicodin.


Then I began reading stories about other people. The people who were in the same boat as me and quite frankly, I got mad. I wanted to secretly help them. I wanted to show them the wonders of managed pain. I know how to grow. I can help. I can do this. I decided to contact one of the Dr's listed on this site. I sent my info and waited for a call. Apparently they need records from the past three years. I don't have records from the past three years. I didn't NEED to have records for the past three years. I guess I'm out of luck. So, I suppose I'll go back into hiding. I'll go back to being the uncaught felon. The bad guy with the two honor student children and wife he adores. It freaks me out writing this. Are the police monitoring? can they trace my i.p.? I don't know. It's scary. I don't want to go to jail. I've never committed a crime in my life. I guess I just wanted to let you know I'm out here and I don't want to be afraid anymore.

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Hi Century Gardens, welcome to the site. I applaud you for telling your story, and for helping out your older neighbors with there lawn :goodjob:

Do you have any medical records on your condition, if so how much of a history do you have?


I was diagnosed approx. 25 years ago. I guess I was in and out of the doctors for the next few years. Nothing since because no way am I going to the doctor and saying "marijuana has made it manageable". Maybe I'm just a weakling or overly scared or whatever but I absolutely do not want to go to jail.


I have always kept a close eye on new treatments for clusters. Haven't really seen anything significant come down the pike. If Pfizer came out with a cluster pill I'd take it as long as it didn't make me sick.



*by the way. I have a really cool dentist (a personal friend) and I asked him what would have happened if I would have treated my condition with pain pills for this many years. He said "you don't want to know".

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Then I began reading stories about other people. The people who were in the same boat as me and quite frankly, I got mad. I wanted to secretly help them. I wanted to show them the wonders of managed pain. I know how to grow. I can help. I can do this. I decided to contact one of the Dr's listed on this site. I sent my info and waited for a call. Apparently they need records from the past three years. I don't have records from the past three years. I didn't NEED to have records for the past three years. I guess I'm out of luck. So, I suppose I'll go back into hiding. I'll go back to being the uncaught felon. The bad guy with the two honor student children and wife he adores. It freaks me out writing this. Are the police monitoring? can they trace my i.p.? I don't know. It's scary. I don't want to go to jail. I've never committed a crime in my life. I guess I just wanted to let you know I'm out here and I don't want to be afraid anymore.


First of All ,


Welcome " Century Gardens " to MMMA 2.0


Secondly ... Thanks for sharing your story w/ all readers...


Thirdly i send you a Pm of a Doctor that i believe might

be able to give you Hope ...


Fourthly... Even after having your Card is Still Scarie...

But at least by Law ... I 'm more Protected then w/out the Card ....


Please Do Not Give Up ... Try some Compassion Meetings...


But No Matter What ... Keep using Common Sense , You'll be alright...


Looking Foward to seeing yah Around ... We can use your Help !

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First of All , Welcome " Century Gardens " to MMMA 2.0


Secondly ... Thanks for sharing your story w/ all readers...


Thirdly i send you a Pm of a Doctor that i believe might

be able to give you Hope ...


Fourthly... Even after having your Card is Still Scarie...

But at least by Law ... I more Protected then w/out the Card ....


Please Do Not Give Up ... Try some Compassion Meetings...


But No Matter What ... Keep using Common Sense , You'll be alright...


Looking Foward to seeing yah Around ...


Thank you. I will read your PM. I'm here to learn about "the community" so I will read everything. In the back of my mind...you guys were always "them". Some changes in my life have occurred and I now realize you aren't "them"....we are "us". I'm not a bad person and I don't want to be afraid anymore.

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I'm not a bad person and I don't want to be afraid anymore.


Your Welcome 'Century Gardens'


Many of Us are not Bad People ...


But i can tell you this ... I still FEAR the Law ...

Nothing Wrong w/ a Good Fear ...


That's because i KNOW for a Fact that ( LEO )

will Lie , Cheat , to get a Conviction ...


I just had a Friend get Busted by the H.U.N.T.

Team ... even when they were past their 20 days...

They still Search their home and took things ....


So you have to Protect yourself at ALL TIMES ...


We have to Bond Together , Find a Group of Friends

that have the same desires as You ...

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Century Gardens,The best advice I can give you is to get yourself a primary care physician. It sounds like it has been a long time since you have been to a Dr. ,so going would be a good idea, you always' need to look out for your overall health. You may be scared to talk with the Dr. about Medical Marijuana at first, but maybe once you establish a relationship with the DR. you will become comfortable enough. Best of luck to you :D


I have a fantastic family doctor. He delivered my two kids. I have only done the 'normal stuff' with him because I brought up the marijuana question (because I read about Marinol) and it was pretty clear what his opinions on the subject were. My primary care giver has no idea that I suffer from clusters. He isn't one of the doctors who diagnosed and attempted to treat me. Like I said, nobody knows marijuana worked for me.

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Thanks for sharing such a moving and interesting story. Believe me when I tell you are not alone, nor unusual or unwise in your fear of law enforcement, nor your desire to be a good solid citizen and family man. The vast majority of us just want to be left alone and lead our normal lives. I, along with many of us here, have suffered the loss of just that and understand your fear. We come from all backrounds and walks of life, but ultimately, we all desire the penultimate goal of not having to live in fear for our choice of pain relief. Stick around, over time you'll find some wise people here with great ideas and insight.

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Thanks for sharing such a moving and interesting story. Believe me when I tell you are not alone, nor unusual or unwise in your fear of law enforcement, nor your desire to be a good solid citizen and family man. The vast majority of us just want to be left alone and lead our normal lives. I, along with many of us here, have suffered the loss of just that and understand your fear. We come from all backrounds and walks of life, but ultimately, we all desire the penultimate goal of not having to live in fear for our choice of pain relief. Stick around, over time you'll find some wise people here with great ideas and insight.


My Mom died in 2004. I adored her. Reading another person's story made me think of her in a new way. It was the first time in my life I ever thought about my Mom buying marijuana. I just never really thought of it before. She was a pretty timid gal. I am ashamed, appalled and sickened when I allow myself to think about the fear she must have lived with. I am now convinced it took years from her life. All just because she loved her kid too much.

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Thank you for sharing your story and welcome!

God bless your mother for her compassion.


I don't get clusters but have sufferec severe migraines

since I was about 11 -12 yrs old, interestingly

also on the right side, yet there was no

compassion for me. The best I could do was

to lay in my dark, quiet room w/a pillow wrapped

around my forehead and cinched tight with a belt.

Well... nuff said... I started using Cannabis regularly

36yrs ago and found it helped a lot with the nausea

if I could catch my headache in time.


My primary Dr. has no problem with my choice of

medication which is uber cool but wouldn't write

a rec for me. I just went to a clinic Dr. and am now

waiting for my card.

I am fearful too and until Cannabis is fully legal,

I will do as always and err to the side of caution.

I don't have a caregiver yet so I go to the dispensary.

My anxiety is through the roof during the whole

process of obtaining my meds but that's nothing new.

What was new though was the sense of liberation I felt

also as I walked out that door the 1st. time!

Cannabis users are only paranoid because we don't want

to go to jail... it isn't the herb doing that ;)


Again, welcome...


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Thank you for sharing your story and welcome!

God bless your mother for her compassion.


I don't get clusters but have sufferec severe migraines

since I was about 11 -12 yrs old, interestingly

also on the right side, yet there was no

compassion for me. The best I could do was

to lay in my dark, quiet room w/a pillow wrapped

around my forehead and cinched tight with a belt.

Well... nuff said... I started using Cannabis regularly

36yrs ago and found it helped a lot with the nausea

if I could catch my headache in time.


My primary Dr. has no problem with my choice of

medication which is uber cool but wouldn't write

a rec for me. I just went to a clinic Dr. and am now

waiting for my card.

I am fearful too and until Cannabis is fully legal,

I will do as always and err to the side of caution.

I don't have a caregiver yet so I go to the dispensary.

My anxiety is through the roof during the whole

process of obtaining my meds but that's nothing new.

What was new though was the sense of liberation I felt

also as I walked out that door the 1st. time!

Cannabis users are only paranoid because we don't want

to go to jail... it isn't the herb doing that ;)


Again, welcome...



If you're anywhere near me I'll give it to you for free.



*yeah I just wrote that and I probably just broke a law. Did I?

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My Mom died in 2004. I adored her. Reading another person's story made me think of her in a new way. It was the first time in my life I ever thought about my Mom buying marijuana. I just never really thought of it before. She was a pretty timid gal. I am ashamed, appalled and sickened when I allow myself to think about the fear she must have lived with. I am now convinced it took years from her life. All just because she loved her kid too much.


Wow, I put my mom in your mother's place going through

the same, and probably worse, anxiety that we all do.

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it.

How amazingly courageous your mother was, what a gift.

No one should ever have to suffer in fear over Cannabis.

Each day this movement grows larger as more people are less

fearful to tell their story and have their voices heard to



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Hello there call me Trix, heres a short story, I suffer from a life threating blood disorder my life expectancy is a young 30 - 35 yrs old, I'm currently 29; when I was just a child 3yrs old I was pronounced to have leukemia, not knowing what i was dealing with by the time i was 4 they said it was something that was going to kill me=/ but it is in recession now and I lived through that ordeal then as I aged my mother explained that I wasn't a "normal kid" stating that I was diagnosed w/ type 3 Hemophilia a.k.a VonWillebrand disease wth is that I didn't care I just wanted to do kids things play sports ride a bike run down the street without the fear of falling and bleeding to death because a small cut that would be manageable to the average person. Like I stated before I'm now pushing 30 and the doctors say I have the bones of a 80yr old!!! I've thought of doing the worst things ,due to the pain I suffer from on a daily basis, i have chronic back pain/ spasms nerve damage in both shoulders, severe insomnia (I often am hospitalized due to hallucination's from lack of sleep) I was just hospitalized on the 13th due to a bleed in the joint in my knee.

as I state later I was placed on several strong narcotics ie Oxycotin 80mg, Fentanyl 100mcg, Xanax bars, Valium10mg, Lorcet10mg others on and off, I began taking these meds when i was in my teens 12-15 yrs old until recently when i found myself high all day unable to hold a conversation with ANYONE, I was watching myself die because I was addicted to these meds, so I smoked some pot found that I wasn't even paying attention to my hard schedule of pain meds I was on, after some of my friends and family saw that I was acting like a functioning person again I began to understand that i needed to make a change so attempted to seek substance abuse treatment and guess what? i was turned away by 4 facilities due to my health disorder they all said I was too "high risk" I plead with theses places I even stated that I was going to die if they didn't accept me for treatment they still declined my admmitance, so I had to quit cold turkey and thank god for MM cause i smoked like a oz a day of master kush and I am clean of drugs and just smoke the ganja now.

THANK GOD for marijuana cause my life was going to be much shorter w/ all the medications I was taking Oxy's Fentanyl, Xanax, Valium etc I have been on these meds since I have been around 12- 15 yrs old, smoked pot when I was around 18 was arrested for possession =/ ; now 10+ yrs later of narcotics and I'M CLEAN THANKS TO THE HELP OF QUALITY MARIJUANA, so those who say MM isn't going to serve a purpose? I would have died far sooner than the doctors are telling me if I continued on the narcotics prescribed to "ease" my pain.... I've been clean of all drugs since Jan'17th'10 THANK YOU FOR FINALLY PRESCIBING A MEDICINE THAT IS HELPING ME LIVE NOT KILLING ME SLOWER!!!!!

Thank for taking your time to hear my story,Trix0

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Hello there call me Trix, heres a short story, I suffer from a life threating blood disorder my life expectancy is a young 30 - 35 yrs old, I'm currently 29; when I was just a child 3yrs old I was pronounced to have leukemia, not knowing what i was dealing with by the time i was 4 they said it was something that was going to kill me=/ but it is in recession now and I lived through that ordeal then as I aged my mother explained that I wasn't a "normal kid" stating that I was diagnosed w/ type 3 Hemophilia a.k.a VonWillebrand disease wth is that I didn't care I just wanted to do kids things play sports ride a bike run down the street without the fear of falling and bleeding to death because a small cut that would be manageable to the average person. Like I stated before I'm now pushing 30 and the doctors say I have the bones of a 80yr old!!! I've thought of doing the worst things ,due to the pain I suffer from on a daily basis, i have chronic back pain/ spasms nerve damage in both shoulders, severe insomnia (I often am hospitalized due to hallucination's from lack of sleep) I was just hospitalized on the 13th due to a bleed in the joint in my knee.

as I state later I was placed on several strong narcotics ie Oxycotin 80mg, Fentanyl 100mcg, Xanax bars, Valium10mg, Lorcet10mg others on and off, I began taking these meds when i was in my teens 12-15 yrs old until recently when i found myself high all day unable to hold a conversation with ANYONE, I was watching myself die because I was addicted to these meds, so I smoked some pot found that I wasn't even paying attention to my hard schedule of pain meds I was on, after some of my friends and family saw that I was acting like a functioning person again I began to understand that i needed to make a change so attempted to seek substance abuse treatment and guess what? i was turned away by 4 facilities due to my health disorder they all said I was too "high risk" I plead with theses places I even stated that I was going to die if they didn't accept me for treatment they still declined my admmitance, so I had to quit cold turkey and thank god for MM cause i smoked like a oz a day of master kush and I am clean of drugs and just smoke the ganja now.

THANK GOD for marijuana cause my life was going to be much shorter w/ all the medications I was taking Oxy's Fentanyl, Xanax, Valium etc I have been on these meds since I have been around 12- 15 yrs old, smoked pot when I was around 18 was arrested for possession =/ ; now 10+ yrs later of narcotics and I'M CLEAN THANKS TO THE HELP OF QUALITY MARIJUANA, so those who say MM isn't going to serve a purpose? I would have died far sooner than the doctors are telling me if I continued on the narcotics prescribed to "ease" my pain.... I've been clean of all drugs since Jan'17th'10 THANK YOU FOR FINALLY PRESCIBING A MEDICINE THAT IS HELPING ME LIVE NOT KILLING ME SLOWER!!!!!

Thank for taking your time to hear my story,Trix0


You are why I 'came out'. I was so wrapped up in the ME....that I didn't take the time (or put forth the effort) to understand the US.


I have a buddy in British Columbia. I went out there a few years back to learn a better way to do things. It was revolutionary not only in terms of my opinions of the science but also totally spun me around in terms of humanity. He's a professional grower and he applies his trade virtually fear free. I never saw the business side of growing before and it was eye-opening. His going rate was $2800 per pound of pink or purple Kush and $3100 per pound of OG Kush. I know this is a medical marijuana site but you can't deny people also are calling for open recreational use and I can at least tell you how they do it out there. I was a guy from Michigan who all of a sudden was standing in the middle of a thousand plants. I kept thinking to myself how I would be locked away for the rest of my life had I been doing the same in Michigan.


So anyway, one day he said 'we have to go to Charlie's today'. I didn't know who Charlie was...but OK. When we got there his mother greeted us at the door. It was kind of funny because she was a trinket-lady. You know, crystal little figures and 1,000's of magnets on the refrigerator door. Sorry...sidetracked. So she led us to a bedroom at the rear of the house. Charlie was sitting in a chair and I immediately didn't like what I saw. The first thing I remember seeing was the look on his face. It was like he was super smiling or something. His mouth was wide open and you could see his teeth and his gums and everything but he wasn't smiling. I'm sorry I'm not explaining it very well. He was bopping up and down and his arms kind of flailed around and would hit the sides of the chair with a thud. He made a noise like "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HEEEEEEEEEE". Listen, I'm not trying to be a dick here I'm just telling you what I saw. My buddy rolled open one of Charlie's drawers and pulled out a pipe. He loaded the pipe out a bag he pulled from his coat pocket. He held it to Charlie's mouth as he lit the end. Please understand that I've never seen this before. remember, I'm the square guy with glasses and heartburn. It took a while and quite a few hits. I remember trying to look at his feet. I was uncomfortable.


Charlie's arm didn't thud anymore. He didn't have that false smile thing. He wasn't bopping. He didn't say "HEEEEEEEEEEEEE" he said (rather clearly) "Mum Some water".



My buddy left the Ziplock bag with Mom, said goodbye to Charlie and we got in the truck and headed back. You have to understand the significance of this moment for me. I didn't know what to say. I knew my life just changed. I regret what I finally did say. I said "So, you don't charge him"? In order to appreciate his response you'll have to know a little bit about my buddy. He's like a new hippy type guy. he pays his taxes and has a really nice truck but he also is huge on not wasting power, hates littering, only drinks water...you know what I mean. So anyway, I said that and he looked at me. He didn't say anything. He just looked at me. Cold. he looked at me with that cold stare. The stare that cuts you to the bone. He didn't have to say anything. The look told the whole story. I was the greedy American. I was the heartless foreigner. I was THAT guy.


He never told me. I found out from someone else. My buddy gives away 50% of his yield to medical dispensaries. One is federal. Do the math.


I'm really getting uncomfortable writing this but I want to tell another Charlie story. Just so you know I still don't know what Charlie suffers from.

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Screw it. I'm telling the other story.


My buddy got me into working out. I hated it at first. So anyway, we were working out and his phone rang. I heard him say "he's going today"? Then a few pleasantries and he hung up. We were going into downtown Vancouver. He asked me to grab a few blankets.


We drove to a rental place and we drove out in a conversion van. I asked him what we're doing and he said "Charlie needs to go into the city". We arrived at Charlie's and his Mom was already outside and there were other people there. His Mom was crying. I assumed Charlie passed away. I followed my buddy back into the house and more people were inside and Charlie was in the living room in a wheelchair. He didn't have that fake super smile look on his face. it was much different this time. he also wasn't saying "HEEEEEEEEEE". That also was much different this time. It was guttural. I'm sitting here thinking how to describe. I can't.


His arms and legs weren't flailing as much. The weren't flailing because he had a blanket around him and it was being held by who I found out was two of his cousins. They wheeled him out as I held the door. We got him into the van after someone popped out one of the captains chairs. Somehow I ended up holding a section of the blanket. I remember thinking to myself how strong he was.


We arrived at what i learned was a provincial government office. We got Charlie out and his Mom (who was in a car following us) kneeled down and 'talked' to Charlie. I had no idea what he was saying but it was pretty obvious Mom did. She told us to get him inside. At the door she said "are you sure" he must have responded "yes". She wasn't crying anymore.


I had smartly wrapped my section of the blanket around one of the chair's metal rod things and gripped it. I didn't have to fight Charlie anymore. The rod did. As we wheeled Charlie in his cousin stopped and kind of moved into my space and said "hey, thanks a lot man". He kind of just nudged me aside taking my grip off the blanket away. The uncle grabbed Charlie's shoulders as the cousin pulled away the blanket. Charlie's newly freed arm hit the cousin square in the nose.


My buddy said "we have to go"


We went outside and I lit a cigarette. I noticed my hand was shaking.


The door was glass and I could see inside. Charlie was.....hmmm. Charlie was belted into his chair. Let's just say the belt was the only thing keeping him somewhat contained. I could still hear him. A man in a tie came out and started talking to Mom. They almost looked like friends. I couldn't stop looking at Charlie.


I was talking to my buddy and he finally just came out and told me the scoop. There was a problem with some kind of federal vs. provincial law in regard to medical use and the paper ran a story about closing some dispensaries. Charlie was always up to speed on everything that was going on. I asked my buddy why he didn't just tell me what we were doing. he said he thought it was important that I just experience it. He was right.


Later that night I was stupefied over how the weakest were actually leading the charge.


Turns out, the guy in the tie was a higher up and knew about Charlie. He supported Charlie's plight but much like a lot of issues we deal with "it's out of my hands". Ask yourself that question. Why is it out of our hands?


Mom led us back into the office. Apparently enough was enough. I noticed a woman behind the counter was crying. As we got to Charlie I noticed he was wearing a t-shirt. The front had three words hand written in black ink. "Please Help Me".


We got Charlie back into the van and on the return trip I noticed Charlie's knuckle was bleeding enough to soak thru the blanket.


As I mentioned, I still don't know what Charlie suffers from. His Mom said the only drugs available to treat him make him catatonic. He doesn't flail around when on marijuana. He can talk and read and go to his favorite restaurant. maybe there is a Dr. here who can explain this. I don't know. All I know is I saw what I saw.


I want to be a Charlie.

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If you're anywhere near me I'll give it to you for free.



*yeah I just wrote that and I probably just broke a law. Did I?


compassion always trumps law,, But u need to be careful with what you post, there are some fascists that read here


God bless your mom, your dentist friend was right about the morphine.


I know no other way then to build a history, with some of your old records go see the doc, without mentioning mmj. I'm sure they will schedule a followup or two. Take the old & new records to a mmj clinic & tell this story.


thanks for your story & best of luck to you.

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i cant imagine what it must have been like to have to experience that kind of pain at such a young age. But fear and stress can be incidious and equally disasterous to your health. sounds to me like you want to be around for that nice family of yours for awhile...so if you can swing it, i would follow up with that dr tarzan recommended and take the steps to get legal. Great post, thanks so much for sharing.

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