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Curious Aetheist With A Question

Guest Wayne

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Guest Wayne

If I can be made a felon for manufacturing marijuana what does that make Him? Looking for answers outside this community so please ask your pastor/priest if they can explain this to me.

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

Your post isn't real clear. What do you mean: "What would that make him?". Who is him? Why does this have to be a pastor that helps with the response? What does being an atheist have anything to do with the situation? Were you screaming "Dawkins and Hitchens don't love you, or respect you!" at the top of your lungs wile being raided?


A bit more clarification will help this thread out enormously



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Guest Wayne

Result of being tired, my apologies. Was engaged by a "christian" the other day that opposes marijuana for the evil he see's it as through his eyes. So when referring to "Him" I meant the christian deity. It would appear given the fight by many organized religions to brand the united states a nation born of christianity, while defending the governments view of marijuana as evil and vile, that the question of marijuana's (branded as evil by church attending christian politician's of both parties) creation may pose something of moral dilemna for the church's they attend. I'm looking to those church leaders for answers. So put plainly. Is the christian deity a felon in the eyes of these follower's of christianity, especially the leadership of the church's they attend? Are they mere hypocrites? Or am I misunderstanding the story of the creation?



Do hope that was a bit clearer.

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Result of being tired, my apologies. Was engaged by a "christian" the other day that opposes marijuana for the evil he see's it as through his eyes. So when referring to "Him" I meant the christian deity. It would appear given the fight by many organized religions to brand the united states a nation born of christianity, while defending the governments view of marijuana as evil and vile, that the question of marijuana's (branded as evil by church attending christian politician's of both parties) creation may pose something of moral dilemna for the church's they attend. I'm looking to those church leaders for answers. So put plainly. Is the christian deity a felon in the eyes of these follower's of christianity, especially the leadership of the church's they attend? Are they mere hypocrites? Or am I misunderstanding the story of the creation?



Do hope that was a bit clearer.

Now God aint no felon. God will help you if you let him into your hart. Only then will you have cleer understanding.

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Result of being tired, my apologies. Was engaged by a "christian" the other day that opposes marijuana for the evil he see's it as through his eyes. So when referring to "Him" I meant the christian deity. It would appear given the fight by many organized religions to brand the united states a nation born of christianity, while defending the governments view of marijuana as evil and vile, that the question of marijuana's (branded as evil by church attending christian politician's of both parties) creation may pose something of moral dilemna for the church's they attend. I'm looking to those church leaders for answers. So put plainly. Is the christian deity a felon in the eyes of these follower's of christianity, especially the leadership of the church's they attend? Are they mere hypocrites? Or am I misunderstanding the story of the creation?



Do hope that was a bit clearer.


I can tell you that there are people of all faiths and also atheists who do not believe in individual human rights, just as there are many who do, so it is not a matter of any faith that denies human beings their individual rights, it is only other humans who hate those rights because it threatens their control. You are barking up the wrong tree. We need to focus on where the problem lies, and that is with people who hate your individual human rights, whether they be of a religious affiliation or not , democrat or republican, none of these labels matter. It only matters that your individual human rights are being respected and protected above all else.:mellow:

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Just like anything...There are ignorant Christians, and middle of the road Christians, and really amazingly cool Christians. Just like there are really cool athiests, middle of the road athiests, and ignorant athiests. Just like there are really cool, middle of the road, and ignorant MMJ patients.

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

OK. I think I understand what trying to say. First I think I should clarify that I am a Christian. I made a post within the last month where someone tried saying hash-oil and anointing oil was the same thing. It may have lead some to believe by the way answered that at the very least I was probably agnostic.


Your question is (if I understand you correctly): As Christians theology dictates, all things are made by God: So how can marijuana be "evil"?


Very simply: It's not.


There is no Biblical exegeses of the text that points to marijuana as an evil. Wine is fine in the Bible. Long as it's done in moderation, and your not becoming a drunk. Hemp was certainly used in the Egyptian cultures as both a hemp product for rope and the like, as well as in suppository form for hemorrhoids. So hemp certainly would have been known at the very least by Moses and Joseph even if it hadn't spread to early Israel during Christ time.


Christians in opposition to marijuana will pull out:

"1Pe 2:13 Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority"
(in respect to marijuana is illegal)


If they do, ask them to read one verse back:

"1Pe 2:12 Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation."

People of all theologies alike, obeying the laws of Michigan, and granting pain releaf for patients is nothing short of the Holy Spirit working through us. What this Christian you debate is ignoring is your good deeds within the law. His attempt at calling those that act in accordance with mans laws "evil" is his misinterpretation.


There's tons of other verses out there that they may try and bring up. but the bottom line is: What you're doing helping a patient is within mans law, and absolutely nothing in the Bible prohibits the use of hemp products any more then it does of wine. Anything can be used in a "evil" way. Being a drug dealer would be sinful. Giving a patient a half ounce of premo bud for free is righteous....Context is King, and sometimes my brothers forget this in their zeal...



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Guest Wayne

While I'm thoroughly enjoying hearing the philosophical christian values of a community I respect, love, and support their right to the faith of there choice, and I thank you all. My issue is targeted toward those in authority espousing "christian" values while labeling a plant, that to my understanding they believe was created by their god, an evil thing. Then more importantly why these beliefs are so widely accepted by their fellow parishinors and church leadership, not to mention their religious teachers. I just can't understand why they view their god in such a twisted light rather than following what the majority of this community has taught me about christian love, understanding, and acceptance. I respect your voice based on my understanding of your philosophy on life. I celebrate life for the wonder it is, especially given the limits of my mortality and the personal belief I hold about life, and it's odds existing in this universe and beyond. Gotta be close to 1/INFINITY.


So my question is directed to those in this community that attend some of the more traditional organized churchs. Would any of you be kind enough to pose my question to them and ask they provide me some understanding of their religeous philosophy regarding the relationship between cannabis/hemp and their flock.


Hope to meet some of you Wednesday in Saginaw!

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If I can be made a felon for manufacturing marijuana what does that make Him? Looking for answers outside this community so please ask your pastor/priest if they can explain this to me.



420Peace Wayne,

Profound Question

I can't wait to hear how a Marijuana Hater and or Christian would answer...

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While I'm thoroughly enjoying hearing the philosophical christian values of a community I respect, love, and support their right to the faith of there choice, and I thank you all. My issue is targeted toward those in authority espousing "christian" values while labeling a plant, that to my understanding they believe was created by their god, an evil thing. Then more importantly why these beliefs are so widely accepted by their fellow parishinors and church leadership, not to mention their religious teachers. I just can't understand why they view their god in such a twisted light rather than following what the majority of this community has taught me about christian love, understanding, and acceptance. I respect your voice based on my understanding of your philosophy on life. I celebrate life for the wonder it is, especially given the limits of my mortality and the personal belief I hold about life, and it's odds existing in this universe and beyond. Gotta be close to 1/INFINITY.


So my question is directed to those in this community that attend some of the more traditional organized churchs. Would any of you be kind enough to pose my question to them and ask they provide me some understanding of their religeous philosophy regarding the relationship between cannabis/hemp and their flock.


Hope to meet some of you Wednesday in Saginaw!


Ok, I have some authority and areas of responsibility in a Christian church. We read in scriptures that God wants all to be able to join him in the hereafter, but his #1 rule that must not be broken is your FREE WILL. He will never force his will on you, unlike some individual humans who hate free will and individual human rights.

We read in the old books of law that the herbs were made for the good of man. We know our creator put cannabis receptors in our brains that only react to cannabis and nothing else. We are made in His image. We can assume that these actions give us a loud and clear okie dokie from the source of all. Especially when you consider the sanctity of your free will to choose for yourself, as long as you do not infringe on another person's right to live for their own sake.

We have also several examples of principled individuals in scriptures who felt it was their duty to God and other human beings to disobey laws that are against the laws of God and nature. That first law being of free will for each person. So, as long as you are behaving correctly in accordance to these laws, and have not infringed on other individuals rights, you must be able to choose for yourself. Any form of tyranny over your against your free will is against God's law or the natural laws of the universe, as you might be more comfortable with saying.

Our philosophy, as you question it, is one of compassion for the downtrodden and sick and oppressed. I know that any so-called Christian who does not try to be more like unto Him upon which they profess to serve, they have been deceived or misled by forces that work against your individual human rights. This is evil, and should be called such.

I guess you want to hear that the church is wrong because it has been misused by people.? People can use all things for good or evil. Guns, money, food, churches, all things. Just because people can take a thing and use it for bad does not make that thing bad. It makes those people that use it incorrectly the bad or wrong thing.

Christ was a someone who even an atheist could learn from. His principles and philosophies can enlighten and encourage, and our church believes that if you try to be more like Him you will find greater joy in this life and the life to come.

So, as someone with authority within a holy organization, I can tell you that the teachings are correct. It is just human weakness and pride that make some people think they need to take your free will from you and decide for you, often with deadly and disastrous consequences.

I hope this helped. I don't speak for all churches, nor for people of faith, but as for my church and my authority and my responsibility, I am to help those in need, speak out against injustice, visit the sick, the hungry, those who are falsely imprisoned, and try my best to help all human beings taste freedom. I must continue to fight against those who hate individual human rights and expose them. These and other things which I may feel led to do, I do for all of us.

"He who is in service of his fellow beings is in the service of God". That is my God, my church. I hope you find what you are searching for....:)

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Result of being tired, my apologies. Was engaged by a "christian" the other day that opposes marijuana for the evil he see's it as through his eyes. So when referring to "Him" I meant the christian deity. It would appear given the fight by many organized religions to brand the united states a nation born of christianity, while defending the governments view of marijuana as evil and vile, that the question of marijuana's (branded as evil by church attending christian politician's of both parties) creation may pose something of moral dilemna for the church's they attend. I'm looking to those church leaders for answers. So put plainly. Is the christian deity a felon in the eyes of these follower's of christianity, especially the leadership of the church's they attend? Are they mere hypocrites? Or am I misunderstanding the story of the creation?



Do hope that was a bit clearer.


Hi Wayne ..


I'm probably one of those people that gets to you on this topic ..


Anyway .. I could care less about churches and religions etc. I just wonder around and, from time to time, do what the voice tells me to do. While I do that trip, lots of strange things happen. And none of it involves a church.


With a church, usually what happens is that a group of people get together and figure out what He is all about. They write their ideas down into some kind of quazzy political statement. Then you get the worst of both worlds at the same time. Religion and politics. Then they build a building to house their new found morals.


By the time they get done God ain't there, for the most part. Seen that happen several times. It's like you build a pet box for Him to live in and find out He made an escape. Outside looking in asking "What are you folks THINKING??"


Some places are better than others. It just seems that most of the time a building involves blinders of some sort.


Jesus spent most of his time teaching tax collectors, thieves, small businessmen and common laborers. Most didn't like taxes and Romans. See? He worked outside the building. The folks inside the building wanted to kill him.


So today, they take the holy Kannah Bos and call it a crime against "god."


Same old same old. Those building people are some of the first to call something holy "evil."


Me? I like the trip to disney land. I like the spirit toys Dad made for me. Hint .. He doesn't store those toys in a building.

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Hi Wayne ..


I'm probably one of those people that gets to you on this topic ..


Anyway .. I could care less about churches and religions etc. I just wonder around and, from time to time, do what the voice tells me to do. While I do that trip, lots of strange things happen. And none of it involves a church.


With a church, usually what happens is that a group of people get together and figure out what He is all about. They write their ideas down into some kind of quazzy political statement. Then you get the worst of both worlds at the same time. Religion and politics. Then they build a building to house their new found morals.


By the time they get done God ain't there, for the most part. Seen that happen several times. It's like you build a pet box for Him to live in and find out He made an escape. Outside looking in asking "What are you folks THINKING??"


Some places are better than others. It just seems that most of the time a building involves blinders of some sort.


Jesus spent most of his time teaching tax collectors, thieves, small businessmen and common laborers. Most didn't like taxes and Romans. See? He worked outside the building. The folks inside the building wanted to kill him.


So today, they take the holy Kannah Bos and call it a crime against "god."


Same old same old. Those building people are some of the first to call something holy "evil."


Me? I like the trip to disney land. I like the spirit toys Dad made for me. Hint .. He doesn't store those toys in a building.

Very well said PeanutButter...very well said!

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Hi Wayne ..


With a church, usually what happens is that a group of people get together and figure out what He is all about. They write their ideas down into some kind of quazzy political statement. Then you get the worst of both worlds at the same time. Religion and politics. Then they build a building to house their new found morals.


By the time they get done God ain't there, for the most part. Seen that happen several times. It's like you build a pet box for Him to live in and find out He made an escape. Outside looking in asking "What are you folks THINKING??"


Some places are better than others. It just seems that most of the time a building involves blinders of some sort.


Jesus spent most of his time teaching tax collectors, thieves, small businessmen and common laborers. Most didn't like taxes and Romans. See? He worked outside the building. The folks inside the building wanted to kill him.


So today, they take the holy Kannah Bos and call it a crime against "god."


Same old same old. Those building people are some of the first to call something holy "evil."



Sad but all true. Too bad so many church leaders over the centuries chose to hate individual human rights because that meant each individual controlled themselves, and not the church or leader. These misled (and sometimes evil) leaders felt it their duty to force others to do whatever those leaders felt was best, even when it was obvious that it harmed or killed innocent humans.

(Also instead of "church leaders" above feel free to insert "elected and non-elected officials in government", "LEOS", etc...

If free will is good important for God to let us choose for ourselves, how does any man suppose to choose for another?

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I think a Christian thinking logically would answer with "God made hemlock but you probably should not drink a cup of tea made from it."


Cannabis is one of the great success stories in evolution. It adapted and later was bred in a symbiotic relationship with humans. It was able to spread it's genetic makeup over the whole world by unlocking the right receptors of the human mind.

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