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Everyone Should Read This

Guest finallyfree09

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Obama has proven himself a liar again and again. He spoke so positively regarding marihuana in every way during his campaign. Then, once he had the MM vote ( among others ) he showed his true colors, which are Politician Greed. The raids will continue, you can bet on it. The amount of raids hasn't reduced in any way since he took office, nor since his AG signed that BS document. Trust the people and the law on paper, and nothing else. Especially not the Feds!

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The fedral raids are WAY down. It's not anywhere near what Obama promised though. Frustrating to say the least. But I prefer this over the bush administration raiding every dispensary they could spare the man hours for.


I notice there are still a few raids here and there. But they never seem to bring charges. Very strange.

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Obama has proven himself a liar again and again. He spoke so positively regarding marihuana in every way during his campaign. Then, once he had the MM vote ( among others ) he showed his true colors, which are Politician Greed. The raids will continue, you can bet on it. The amount of raids hasn't reduced in any way since he took office, nor since his AG signed that BS document. Trust the people and the law on paper, and nothing else. Especially not the Feds!



obama is a farce. he was by far the most "marketed" presidential candidate ever. we can be comforted knowing that the DEA is probably not going to waste money and man hours busting patients with one light and 12 plants in their basements. these guys are going to concentrate on big busts. flying under the radar is key here people.

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The fedral raids are WAY down. It's not anywhere near what Obama promised though. Frustrating to say the least. But I prefer this over the bush administration raiding every dispensary they could spare the man hours for.


I notice there are still a few raids here and there. But they never seem to bring charges. Very strange.


It seems to me it is better now than under Bush. Perfect? Not by a long shot but it is going in the right direction. Less federal raids in CA. I often wonder what circumstances make them pick the few dispensaries they are raiding. My suspicion is dispensaries that are raided are ones who give the appearance that they are not doing things right.


Here in MI we are still dealing with local LEO who have not gotten the message but that is not the Federal gov fault. I have hope that legalization will happen in my lifetime.

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I agree that things aren't perfect right now, but they are definitely so much better than they were under the Bush administration. Things aren't going to change over night, but as long as things keep improving for patients, I'm going to support Obama. He can't make this country perfect in a year, I still think he can do a lot of good given enough time in office.

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The fedral raids are WAY down. It's not anywhere near what Obama promised though. Frustrating to say the least. But I prefer this over the bush administration raiding every dispensary they could spare the man hours for.


I notice there are still a few raids here and there. But they never seem to bring charges. Very strange.



It's easy to get mad at Obama because he is afterall our president.From what I see were better off than if bush's counterparts were in office.Give him some time.I'd like TO SEE MONTEL AND OBAMA GO HEAD ON IN AN INTERVIEW.....

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