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Compassion Right Here Folks!

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So, I get ahold of a person I met a while back here on MMMA.I was out of meds and not much money on hand.So I get a phone call and a visit from this person.What does he do!?!.........He gives me...EECCHHHH UUUUHHHHMMMM(CLEARING THROAT) GIVES ME 11 GRAMS OF SUPERIOR BUD! Now, ..all those times I've done that sort of thing for someone else.... it came back to me! Ladies and Gents, this doesn't happen enough, true compassion right there folks true blue!:rock: thats for my buddy!

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I hope giving away medicine adds something to your life, my grandmother gets all her meds from me for free all of my patients get a free oz every mon and ofcourse when my buddies are over we have to sample my new harvests. Giving away when you can is obviously the right thing to do and when youre fortunate enough to beable to do it you should. Karma comes around sooner or later, I am fairly certain about that.

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Thats gonna be me once I start growing so hopefully I can help some people out. I love helpig people out if they can't afford it or whatever the reason. I am not totally broke and my help is not so bad so if someone is in need I would love to help. I am a few months from having any meds though :( Very nice you found someone to help you so nicely.

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