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Autism And Medical Marijuana

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I talked on the phone with peanutbutter this am. He was really excited about this issue-see below. Do we know of anyone in Mich who has first hand knowledge re this application ?



Autism and Medical Marijuana


Some families have found marijuana (mmj) to be nothing short of miraculous. Some of the symptoms MMJ has ameliorated include anxiety--even severe anxiety--aggression, panic disorder, generalized rage, tantrums, property destruction and self-injurious behavior.

One mother's comments:


"I know it's not the end all answer but it's been the best answer for the longest time for us in regards to ALL the other medications. I cannot tell you how many months we would go on a medication wondering if it was doing anything, anything at all. Here we can see the difference in 30-60 minutes guaranteed."



"My son (who is almost nine years of age) has been on medications to address his severe autistic behaviors including aggression and throwing fits over trivial issues in the environment. He has been difficult to instruct due to these behaviors. None of the medications has ever made a difference, except for making his behaviors worse. He has been through the whole range starting at three and a half with ritalin and dexedrine, and going through prozac, paxil, clonidine, naltrexone, adderall and risperdal. Finally, we gave up on medications and decided to manage his behaviors through behavioral techniques. We had mixed results.



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Thanks Doc!


I believe this issue is soooo important right now.


There are so many families that we can help. So many parents that can have normal children for the first time. And as the good Dr. noted (or quoted) results can be seen in as little as 30 minutes.


And these differences are like day and night.


Please help bring these children out of their own personal hell. Bring them into our world. Bring them to their families .. many for the first time.

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I talked on the phone with peanutbutter this am. He was really excited about this issue-see below. Do we know of anyone in Mich who has first hand knowledge re this application ?



Autism and Medical Marijuana


Some families have found marijuana (mmj) to be nothing short of miraculous. Some of the symptoms MMJ has ameliorated include anxiety--even severe anxiety--aggression, panic disorder, generalized rage, tantrums, property destruction and self-injurious behavior.

One mother's comments:


"I know it's not the end all answer but it's been the best answer for the longest time for us in regards to ALL the other medications. I cannot tell you how many months we would go on a medication wondering if it was doing anything, anything at all. Here we can see the difference in 30-60 minutes guaranteed."



"My son (who is almost nine years of age) has been on medications to address his severe autistic behaviors including aggression and throwing fits over trivial issues in the environment. He has been difficult to instruct due to these behaviors. None of the medications has ever made a difference, except for making his behaviors worse. He has been through the whole range starting at three and a half with ritalin and dexedrine, and going through prozac, paxil, clonidine, naltrexone, adderall and risperdal. Finally, we gave up on medications and decided to manage his behaviors through behavioral techniques. We had mixed results.



theres a great article about this in treating yourself magazine issue 23 the Meiko Perez story.brings me much hope for the sick children.

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