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This Should Scare Every American

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Listen very closely to what the police officer says. Granted, he will not answer the Jim Crow question but what is absolutely mind-blowing is his cut and dry attitude toward enforcing the law and carrying out any and all orders from his superiors. He leaves absolutely NO room for morality, ethics or 'what is right'.


He will not comment on Jim Crow laws but he darn well will enforce them.

He won't comment on shuffling Jewish children into trains but he darn well will do it.

He won't comment on burning a Christian but he darn well will do it.

He won't comment on eviscerating an atheist but he darn well will do it.


All the above were laws.

All of the above occurred under the direction of superiors.


God help this man.


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Guest drcanna-pest

Listen very closely to what the police officer says. Granted, he will not answer the Jim Crow question but what is absolutely mind-blowing is his cut and dry attitude toward enforcing the law and carrying out any and all orders from his superiors. He leaves absolutely NO room for morality, ethics or 'what is right'.


He will not comment on Jim Crow laws but he darn well will enforce them.

He won't comment on shuffling Jewish children into trains but he darn well will do it.

He won't comment on burning a Christian but he darn well will do it.

He won't comment on eviscerating an atheist but he darn well will do it.


All the above were laws.

All of the above occurred under the direction of superiors.


God help this man.




I don't really agree with someone putting someone else in a position like that. Not all policemen think that cannabis should remain illegal. Not all police officers will go outside of how the Michigan law is written. Yes there is a problem with the clarity and how there is no reference or direction for law enforcement to take, but we cannot assume everyone who works for the gov't is some zombie that will obey every command. Remember our leaders supported the passing of Prop 1 in Michigan. It is up to us to obey the law and work together to clarify the gray areas with our local leaders. I know for a fact in cases where medicine was found on a patient the state patrol officer was very kind and did not pursue any vehicle search or was rude in any way. Other cases where the amount of plants were the correct limit and nothing was taken and no prosecution. It seems the charges are when someone operates outside of the law. We are making great progress here please don't deny that. This was a video from NH. Michigan has come a long way....

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I don't really agree with someone putting someone else in a position like that. Not all policemen think that cannabis should remain illegal. Not all police officers will go outside of how the Michigan law is written. Yes there is a problem with the clarity and how there is no reference or direction for law enforcement to take, but we cannot assume everyone who works for the gov't is some zombie that will obey every command. Remember our leaders supported the passing of Prop 1 in Michigan. It is up to us to obey the law and work together to clarify the gray areas with our local leaders. I know for a fact in cases where medicine was found on a patient the state patrol officer was very kind and did not pursue any vehicle search or was rude in any way. Other cases where the amount of plants were the correct limit and nothing was taken and no prosecution. It seems the charges are when someone operates outside of the law. We are making great progress here please don't deny that. This was a video from NH. Michigan has come a long way....


Well said DrC-C


I have personal friends who are LEO that want MM legalized. Most are of the opinion that if it is legalized they can focus on bigger problems.



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I don't really agree with someone putting someone else in a position like that.


Don't question authority? The guy asked to speak to him. He wasn't under duress.


Not all policemen think that cannabis should remain illegal.


Yeah...um...I don't care. I couldn't care less about what the officer thinks about marijuana. The fact is, he clearly had absolutely no problem with putting non-violent people in cages.




Remember our leaders supported the passing of Prop 1 in Michigan.


YOUR leaders, not mine. I believe in unalienable property rights. My body is my property and I offer no man, king or council dominion over it. It is of no concern to you what I ingest be it a Big Mac OR a plant.



It is up to us to obey the law


Which law? EVERY law? Are you saying you'd obey Jim Crow?


and work together to clarify the gray areas with our local leaders.


Your only obligation to respect the natural rights of others. If you're so inclined as to become a subject and not a citizen by allowing others to own you, well....that's your problem.


I know for a fact in cases where medicine was found on a patient the state patrol officer was very kind and did not pursue any vehicle search or was rude in any way.


Hey wow....almost sounds like freedom.


"If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

-Thomas Jefferson



I'm pretty sure he wasn't joking.

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Century Garden did a pretty good job but I will add a few comments.


I don't really agree with someone putting someone else in a position like that.


He was free not to answer any questions. He was very candid about his support of a police state. His mentality of following orders did not work in Nuremberg and it will not stand the test of history any better now.


Not all policemen think that cannabis should remain illegal. Not all police officers will go outside of how the Michigan law is written.


Sure that argument is always true. Rarely do all members of a group feel the same way about things. Not sure what that has to do with anything. The fact that some feel the way this cop did is the point.


Yes there is a problem with the clarity and how there is no reference or direction for law enforcement to take, but we cannot assume everyone who works for the gov't is some zombie that will obey every command.


Sorry but the cops who say this are being disingenuous. It is just an excuse to narrowly interpret the law. Let me give you an example of a law they have given a broad interpretation of. The MI motorcycle helmet law states that the State Police will maintain a list of acceptable helmets. Well back in the day when there were three manufacturers that was not too much of a problem. Today no list is kept and pretty much any helmet with a DOT or SNELL sticker gets passed. If they interpreted the MMJ law as broadly there would be no arrest with paperwork or a card.

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