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Nobel Winner Says Legalize It!

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This Nobel Prize Winner in literature say the War on Drugs has failed.


HHMMMM. Even the 'intellectuals' are starting to come forward.



Hey I still have to thank another member for this link, but this is another interesting one. It blew my mind because I only knew a couple of general things about it.


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Hey I still have to thank another member for this link, but this is another interesting one. It blew my mind because I only knew a couple of general things about it.



Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.


The Federal Government has gotten itself into one hell of a web here. If marijuana is legalized think of all the repercussions for the government. All those people in prison will have to be released. Police departments will no longer be allowed to arrest people and take their possessions (Oh, I can't allow myself to imagine it. It is way to liberating). Prisons and police departments will have to layoff 1/2 their employees. Courts will wither and die when they no longer have the revenue from marijuana cases. This all sounds too good to be true! Which is why it won't happen. There will have to be a revolution in this country to make the government legalize marijuana. Think that will happen? We are fortunate that we are allowed to use this innocuous (and amazing) substance medically and they are even fighting that tooth and nail. They are not going to give up easily when their very livelihood depends on this substance being kept illegal. I mean, even in the face of incontrovertible scientific evidence, they still refuse to acknowledge that this plant is harmless.

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