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On The Bright Side

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We can always find the positive, just harder to see sometimes.

The Good from this election...Lots of motivation and promices from the repubs as evident by the red on the map. If there is sincerety in the party all that effort should get the economy zooming again, everyone working, chicken in every pot...

by summer. sar

The Bad..I get a little twich in my right eye every time I hear John Boners voice.

The mrs say it look like a dancing caterpillar

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The repubs are the ones who messed up the economy, now they claim they can fix it, only because they don't wanna lose power, so they take it any way they can. I can't knock all repubs, there are some good ones out there, though I don't know their names at the moment, but the bad ones are in the wrong places. I can't say all dems are good, either, many of them are also responsible for the meltdown.


On the bright side, no one can completely have their way all the time.



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those pubes got notta. However, 2 miracles have occured and the pubs know it. 1. The pubs are more shocked than we to have won. It is a miracle for sure. They won not from devine intervention but though slothful participation. 2. boners tearing up is proof pos water can come from stone.

2 years and the pendulum swings back. Hang in there! Gonna be ruf.

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Macomb County 20,000+ DEMOCRATS DIDN"T COME OUT TO VOTE!!! WTF!!


That is why we cannot let up on those in Lansing and Washington DC who are responsible to us or they will do nothing for two more years.


We can build our community the $ame way political group$ do and become a group with clout that ha$ to be recognized by the political machine.


Or maybe this is what Michigan LEO's want.Ohio family accused of deceiving doctors



I mean do any of these politicians have a sense of compassion!?


No they don't, none that I've seen. And if they do show any thing resembling compassion it will be for a photo opportunity only.


We ain't down, we ain't out.


Some light reading for your enjoyment.


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There will be deadlock and no change for two years. It is not in the Reps best interest to improve the economy at all. Improvement might get credited to Obama's polices and get him reelected. Nope, they will do nothing, even work to keep the economy down so they can claim Obama's policies did not work.

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Today's demonstration in Ferndale was a perfect example. We got knocked down pretty damned hard by the political machine last night, some thought that we had been k.o.'ed, but we struggled, got up on our feet and gathered a group of about 75 to let the other folks know that we "ain't dead yet". And they had better hang on tight, cause we be coming back strong for round 2. We managed to curry a lot of good press amoung the politicians. They know now that when we say that we can gather the troops, the troops get gathered. They know they can count on us to assist them financially when needed. And many have come to know that we are not some evil cabal of cannabis users, but responsible and compassionate people who only want to be left to our own devices. It has now become tantamount that we take a more pro-active approach to the political side of this fight. We learned many lessons, and they won't be knocked out of our heads by our 'short-term' memory loss...lol...keep the faith folks, we can still win this war, it will just take us a lot more time with all of this backward 'progress"...Peace...j.b.

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Today's demonstration in Ferndale was a perfect example. We got knocked down pretty damned hard by the political machine last night, some thought that we had been k.o.'ed, but we struggled, got up on our feet and gathered a group of about 75 to let the other folks know that we "ain't dead yet". And they had better hang on tight, cause we be coming back strong for round 2. We managed to curry a lot of good press amoung the politicians. They know now that when we say that we can gather the troops, the troops get gathered. They know they can count on us to assist them financially when needed. And many have come to know that we are not some evil cabal of cannabis users, but responsible and compassionate people who only want to be left to our own devices. It has now become tantamount that we take a more pro-active approach to the political side of this fight. We learned many lessons, and they won't be knocked out of our heads by our 'short-term' memory loss...lol...keep the faith folks, we can still win this war, it will just take us a lot more time with all of this backward 'progress"...Peace...j.b.

Amen, J.B.


We watched Fox 2 at 6 pm and they did a great news segment today about the rally - truly great coverage.


We were both just too damned sore to make it today.


BUT, you'll probably see us on Friday...


All the best to you JuztBudz,





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I wanna know what boners excuse is gonna be two years from now when nothing has gotten done and the deficit and debt have continued growing at their almost incomprehensible pace.


Greenk, how in the h*ll do you keep coming up with these good points... you've got a coach don't ya?

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Macomb County 20,000+ DEMOCRATS DIDN"T COME OUT TO VOTE!!! WTF!!


That is why we cannot let up on those in Lansing and Washington DC who are responsible to us or they will do nothing for two more years.


We can build our community the $ame way political group$ do and become a group with clout that ha$ to be recognized by the political machine.


Or maybe this is what Michigan LEO's want.Ohio family accused of deceiving doctors



I mean do any of these politicians have a sense of compassion!?


No they don't, none that I've seen. And if they do show any thing resembling compassion it will be for a photo opportunity only.


We ain't down, we ain't out.


Some light reading for your enjoyment.



Exactly, Edward,


Watch them in Lansing AND Washington no matter WHICH party they belong to ... and don't let the bast*rds get away with anything.


And be ASSURED... they WILL try... be assured!

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