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Psycological Conditions


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Where can I find more information about when Michigan will consider Psycological conditions as a legal use of Medical Marihuana?


I have joined this site for my wife who has some type of bi-polar, schizo-effective psycosis. I need to know how to get her as a legal-patient for medical marihauna.


Please help.

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Adding more conditions to 'qualifying conditions' is a process, until then -


Work with a doctor that will write the recommendation for a qualifying condition.

For example, I asked for my rec for nausea and vertigo due to my hearing issues, but the doctor said I had

to qualify under 'chronic pain' as it was one of the conditions. Nausea is one of the qualifying conditions, but its not documented in my medical records as much as chronic pain.


I have seen improvements in patients that have conditions other than what the MMMP allows for, including PSTD in recent combat veterans, autism, and anxiety.


I agree with this tactic as you are still trying to utilize marijuana for a medical reason, not obtain a MM card for recreational reasons.


Good Luck, PM me if you need a Doctor in Macomb/Oakland counties.



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Joyrball, Hi. As far as I know, the committee that considers qualifying conditions, isn't even active. I could be wrong and I hope I am. MM would definately help, if you have the right strain. Find one that helps her relax, those are better at handling depression, so they prob'ly also help with other psychological problems. What would help even better is a society that didn't cause mental illness.


Caffeine and other products, including sugar and starch, can add to these problems. I'm no authority on any of this, but speak from personal experience. After learning how food affects us, I became more aware of the affect certain foods have on me. Some made me very tired, some made me grouchy, some made me tired and grouchy. My depression and mood swings were was intensified. I see this all as a holistic solution, because one thing affects the other. What we eat affects how we feel and think, Taking action on other fronts will help, especially if you're wanting to wait to be legal before using MM. It's no fun having any those conditions, qualifying or not.


I wish you and your wife the best.


Sincerely, Sb

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Shuskaberry? I never even heard of it, is it a sativa or indica? I use MM for anxiety and depression, have for years, its better than using pharmacudical drugs w/ all their side effects. I had to use my chronic pain issues to get my card though. Too bad Michigan does not recognize anxiety or depression(Bi-polar)as a qualifying condition. Joyrball....I take it your wife is Bi-polar? Its more a chemical imbalance, not really a psychotic condition. My use of marijuana enables me to participate in social situations easier, not be so obsesive compulsive about everyday activities,reduces irritability and anxiety......the list goes on. I commend you for the efforts you are making on your wifes behalf. She may need to try some different varieties to find the one that works best for her.

Peace out-


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