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Now I Know

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This post is for the people who think medical marijuana is a farce and just a way to get marijuana.


First a little info about me, I'm 60, retired, clean record, have cancer, shingles, severe arthritis, on chemotherapy and sometimes radiation treatments. I have a few other ailments but who's counting.

My oncologist (cancer doctor) wanted me to do cardiology exercising (walking and such) to get my heart back in shape from the chemo beating me up. I kept telling him that my arthritis would not allow me to, the doctor finally sent me for a bone scan and found that my arthritis was to bad for me to exercise just as I had been telling him for two years. He told me that the arthritis was very severe...well....duuuuu.

But the arthritis would go away now and then, I took prescription meds for the arthritis and all it did was make me sick and make my stomach feel like it was full of ground glass. But I kept taking it, knowing that it worked only sometimes and I didn't know why. I found why..read on.

Days when I could get up and about I would see my friends and sometimes smoke some weed. Not often, I am not much of a smoker, if a joint got passed I'd take a toke. One of the guys left a bag in my truck, maybe enough for a few joints, it took me a while to get it smoked all up, that stuff isn't like the weed from back in the 60's and 70's..much more kick.

It still didn't add up to me that during that time I was smoking I was also able to exercise and didn't have foot pain and back pain and those nasty cramps in my legs that use to throw me out of bed in the middle of the night.

I also haven't had a migraine since I started smoking. That's just more pills that I don't have to buy and take.

During that time period I didn't take any of the arthritis pills which made my stomach feel 100% better by not taking them..

Maybe I'm just slow to learn, but one day when I was hurting again I hobbled my crippled donkey over to my buddies house and bumbed some weed. Once the haze cleared I was good to go for a couple of days again.

Just coincidental? A few more trips to bumb weed (I am usually broke)and I found that it does work, and not just moderately ! It works to let me walk again without pain. And without worrying that a little exercise will be putting me in bed for a week as it use to do. And no more of those *^$&*& blinding migraine head aches so far.

I have since sent for my MM card and scrapped up the 25 bucks to give the crooks.

I type very slow,I just realized that I sat here all this time with out my feet going to sleep or hurting.

It just keeps getting better all the time.

One way or another I am going to keep using MM.

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Guest finallyfree09

Its good to hear people like you testify to the relief marijuana can give a person suffering from pain.


I have arthritis too. It is still astonishing to me that I can take a few tokes and move semi-freely. It really helps to keep the pain down to a dull roar. Smoking daily helps me forget I have arthritis on occasion.


What sucks is after about 3 days of going without I am in a lot of pain. After 2 wks it is nothing short of agony.


Mmj helps, PERIOD. If our politicians would stop listening to cops and prison officialls (who are into mj prohibition for the $) and start listening to REAL PEOPLE such as yourself, our country might become a better place to live. But alas, they believe that giving us unfettered access to mmj will hook every kid in the country on the horrible "devils weed" lol!!!


If god is the one who created all life then how can they call it the "devil's weed?" wouldn't that be saying that the devil is god? Lol. Sorry about the sarcasm... Just somethin to think about.


Welcome to the site man.

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I hear ya Gagetown. I am only 40 and have some nice arthritis in my shoulder. It gets really bad sometimes and I have some cannabis massage oil that I spray and rub on my shoulder and very soon the pain is gone. I have noticed that it only lasts a couple hours but if I take darvicets I get terrible ringing in my ears and real tired sometimes. I think the oil I have is really weak so some better stuff would probably last longer. It also does not really get you high just kills or eases the pain. I also suffer from Mild to Severe asthma and it is FREAKIN AWESOME for that. 1 or 2 hits and your breathin like a pro athlete. It is hard to get people to realize that is good medicine and I am not just trying to get high,, many of the times I don't wanna be high. I can give referrences for this if needed LOL For so many years in the states it has just been known as a drug for getting messed up on. I don't think there has ever been a prescribed med that you smoke. I will be vaporizing soon I hope. Glad you finally realized what is so good. It took me 6 years to realize how awesome it is for asthma. In Jamaica they call it the cure for asthma. I would not say it cures it but I guess if you smoked daily and a few times a day it would feel like your cured cause you would have not ISSUES at all in the lungs. I am down to using my advair 1 time daily and have not used my fast acting inhaler in well over a month(used to use it 2 puffs twice a day and advair twice a day :) ) Spread the word Gagetown and I will also. You will get laughed at many times and people rolling their eyes about it but so what.

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Thats great, im glad MMJ has helped you.


I had a run in with the Romulus police last week, and old roommate brought the cops to my friends house to get the cable boxes they left there :thumbsd: , needless to say they smelt the mmj and barged there way in to the house to find 20 plants.


They proceeded to tell me and my friend we were going to jail and his paperwork and money order receipt from july was a "gimmick" i tried to explain that it was helping a lot of people like you and he told me that if someones in pain they can just take an advil and a vicodin because it works for him.


they ended up supposedly calling the dea and the Sargent showed up telling me that he just took a class on mmj and you cant grow unless you have a plastic card that states your a caregiver.


after about 15mins on the phone with the DEA they told the local police they are wasting there time and to leave us alone so they left all the plants and we didnt get any charges. but he told us he was submitting are names to the dea.


Sorry to hi-jack your thread, i am very happy to hear that mmj has helped you and i just think its BS that cops call this a gimmick when it clearly helps people like you be happy and pain free again.

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Welcome and congrats on finally getting some relief.


I am 43 and have arthritis in my back and hips. Due to all the pain I finally had neck fusion surgery last May. Replaced four vertebrae in my neck, put in a huge steel plate.

That fixed the pain in my neck, but my legs and feet hurt so bad some days I can't even walk when I wake up. I swear if I can just make it over to my desk and take a few hits first thing in the morning twenty minutes later the pain has diminished by at least 75%. I refuse to have another surgery on my back so it looks as if medical marijuana will be my life line forever.

I pray a lot that this freedom we have worked so hard to get won't be taken away by people who do not understand the miracle this plant provides.

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